On college campuses around the country, communications majors are marginalized and scoffed, as students in basically every other degree program look down on the field as useless and simple.
Still, every year, more and more graduates enter the job market with degrees in communication, and employers are welcoming them with open arms.
The study of communications may sound vague and worthless — after all, people without degrees appear to communicate just fine — but the material studied in communications is far more complex than most people realize.
In fact, the skills gained in communications classes can be applied to a wide variety of fields. There is certainly more than one reason to earn several degrees in communications.
Communications Majors Understand Communication
For some reason, this seeming tautology is overlooked by students in every other field — but it is not overlooked by employers. Communication is significantly more complicated than most people believe; it extends beyond verbal and textual dialogue into body language, facial expression, tone of voice and more.
Communications majors devote their time at university to parsing out the delicate and subtle meanings behind every gesture and word choice to fully understand what people say when they speak and write.
This means holders of communications degrees have a complete grasp on communication, and they can effectively and efficiently explain thoughts and ideas.
In any business or relationship, good communication is the heart and soul of success, and communications majors can make that heart pump.
Communications Majors Can Excel Anywhere
Individuals who study communications gain expertise in the specific art of communicating, which is an exceedingly useful skill in any field. Industries as disparate as investment banking and fashion design have a foundation in the communication skills of their myriad workers.
If one employee fails to effectively report an important development, a company could fail. Communication is essential in everyday responsibilities as well, whether it be discussing research with coworkers or presenting findings to superiors.
Still, communications does lend itself best to a particular type of employment. Most often, individuals with communications degrees tend to gravitate toward industries where their skills and knowledge are most valued. Communications majors thrive in sectors such as:
- Public relations
- Human resources
- Marketing
- Corporate communications
These fields rely heavily on employees’ honed abilities to communicate important information quickly and efficiently with all various audiences, and communications majors have carefully developed exceptional competency in this during their studies.
Communications Majors Find Excellent Employment Opportunities
Companies highly value the skills gained through a communications program, which means graduates with communications degrees are often snatched up right after graduation.
Despite the popular conception, communications graduates are not suffering from rampant unemployment; in fact, fewer than 7.8 percent of communications degree–holders are unemployed, compared to more than 14.7 percent of information systems students.
Additionally, communications majors consistently earn entry-level salaries that are far from abysmal, as recent graduates tend to earn around $33,000 right out of school with plenty of opportunities for raises and promotions in the coming years.
In fact, advanced degrees in communications provide substantial bumps to salary and position, so many grads continue their education during their employment.
Current employees lacking communications degrees can improve their standing within a company by taking communications classes and working toward certifications or degrees in the field.
Not only will the employee be learning invaluable information regarding effective writing and speaking, but he or she will demonstrate his or her thirst for improvement to company superiors.
Some employers will even contribute to an employee’s endeavors at continued education, especially when an employee’s chosen field will directly impact the company’s effectiveness.
Companies have a considerable interest in retaining the best and most educated employees, and it is cheaper to encourage current employees to improve than to fire and hire new employees as they appear. Plus, the benefit of loyalty a company gains by backing an employee’s education efforts is immeasurable.
Communications majors tend to take the derision of their fellow students in stride because they know how valuable their degree will be in the future.
Though the study of communication may superficially appear abstract and pointless, it translates into real and quantifiable worth in the eyes of employers all over the world. Obtaining degrees in communications is a reliable and simple way to ensure success after graduation.
(Photo by CollegeDegrees360 / CC BY)