Trends: Office of the Future

In the last 50 years there have been dramatic changes in how working space has been provided to employees.

Once, almost everybody who was somebody had an office and almost all of them had windows.

Eventually this was winnowed down to open space design and cubicles.

Now it appears we are ready and in some cases already experiencing an office-less working environment. Click Here to Read Article …

Is an MBA Still Worth it? 4 Ways It Helps

It used to be a given that getting an MBA degree was a sure way to also gain access to the executive suite.

But times have certainly changed in recent years, and while an MBA is still an asset, it no longer has the cachet that it once claimed in corporate circles.

That may be because of the explosion in the number of schools and universities offering an executive management training program.

In the United States alone there about 100,000 MBAs being granted each year and another 250,000 students enrolled in MBA programs at any given time in that country. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Ways to Sleep Better

There is now a lot of scientific evidence that we are not getting enough sleep and not only is that making us grumpy in the morning, it is costing the global economy billions of dollars in lost productivity.

In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control has estimated that about 30 percent of the American population doesn’t get enough sleep.

Researchers at Harvard University said that in 2011 this cost the American economy over $60 billion a year!

On an individual basis we know that we just aren’t at our best when we don’t sleep well and while we can get by for a while on little sleep, it can have a disastrous impact on our health and our work in the long term.

So getting a better night’s sleep is a good thing, right? Here are five ways to get a better night’s sleep. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Productivity Hacks for More Time in Your Business

There is no doubt cloud-based apps help you grow your business successfully and let you provide a better overall experience for your customers.

But as you grow, a tipping point emerges that can make you feel like you are working for your apps — moving data and repeating data entry — instead of having them work for you.

Most independent and home-based businesses now use at least five cloud-based apps, including email, marketing, project management software, online calendars, invoicing and book-keeping, and cloud-based storage services.

This is great when you are starting up: Each cloud app will help you to organize your business operations without having to invest in licensed software. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Ways to Get Promoted at Work

We all want to get ahead in our company and in our career.

Some people seem to just float through the levels without any difficulty while others get stuck in a position far below their ambition or capacity.

So how can you get out of that rut and start climbing on the corporate ladder to success?

If you’re wondering how to get promoted, here are five ways to get noticed and to get a promotion at work. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Workplace Trends to Watch

There are always new trends and themes that emerge in the workplace every year.

The most successful people catch onto these trends and ride them to even greater success.

Of course, not every office trend may apply to your situation, but that doesn’t mean they won’t in the future. It pays to know what’s on the horizon.

Here are five workplace trends that you should know about and catch onto for your own workplace success. Click Here to Read Article …

4 Ways to Make Money While Writing

I’ve spent a lot of my adult life fretting about jobs, having job openings called to my attention, feeling a reflexive jolt of recognition at the sight of any “Help Wanted” sign.

I’ve often felt I was re-inventing the wheel and constantly redefining what I wanted to be when I grew up. That’s a sad state of affairs for someone with a guiding passion — writing — that is as well-defined, and that I’ve followed as faithfully, as the life’s work of anyone I know.

I’ve always said writers have to have two jobs. A doctor or engineer or school teacher find that their self-realization and bread-winning vocation are one in the same.

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Five Ways to Reinvent Yourself

Have you ever wanted to be someone different, or to reinvent yourself?

Still you of course, but with a more interesting and varied life? Maybe even have a better job, look better, be more healthy, or just cooler?

If that is you, then you are not alone. Most of us want to have some or all of that happen in our lives. But the truth is that except for a few brave souls, it remains a dream or a series of items on a wish list. So how do you transform your life or just reinvent yourself in your current life?

It’s not easy, but it can be done. Here are five areas to focus on if you want to reinvent yourself. You will notice that they all involve change. If you are willing to do the work to change then you can have the transformation you desire. If not, then you’ll just have to keep dreaming about it. Click Here to Read Article …