4 Secrets to Effective Communication

4 Secrets to Effective Communication

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” ~ George Bernard Shaw

The inability to clearly communicate is one of the single most problematic issues in life.

Poor communication can ruin relationships, thwart business endeavors, and even start wars. Imagine how much of an impact effective communication can your own life, whether it be in your relationships or at your job.

If you want to communicate better, and subsequently improve your personal and business relationships, you first need to understand how to communicate clearly. Click Here to Read Article …

The To-Do List: You’re Doing It Wrong. Here are 5 Alternatives

Editor’s Note: Make sure you don’t miss on this insightful and useful article.

I cannot tell you how many times I have scuttled a to-do list in a failed attempt to get more done.

The to-do list seems like such a necessary element of an efficient work day. Nearly everyone I know keeps a list of some sort, and those who don’t wish they did because it’s so hard to remember all that needs to be done. My heart’s in the right place, but still I constantly fail at maintaining a standard to-do list.

Am I doing something wrong? Maybe not. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Steps to Be More Productive Working from Home

5 Steps to Be More Productive Working from Home

Most people believe that a home work environment is the ultimate luxury — a cushy position where you’re the boss, where you can wear pajamas all day and do whatever you like, whenever you like.

But once the endless freedom gets stale, you’ll start to find that without structure your work days have no shape. It’s harder to get anything done when there’s no boss lurking around the corner, no steady 9 to 5. You can work any time, so it’s easy to put it off.

You can still be productive in a home work environment though, and it can still be more enjoyable than working at the office. It’s all about learning how to structure your day. Click Here to Read Article …

4 Secrets to Success when Starting a New Job

After graduating from college with a fairly broad degree, I quickly realized that my skill set for starting a new job wasn’t as specialized as I had hoped it would be. I knew that I was more than capable of learning new tasks, I just needed someone to take a chance and give me the kind of on-the-job training that would get me to the next level.

Unfortunately, the majority of companies I applied to just weren’t interested in hiring someone that wasn’t already proficient at using various computer programs or completing certain tasks, so I became accustomed to rejection.

Then, by luck or some other miracle, I received the job offer I had been waiting for. I spent the next few days celebrating the accomplishment and then, as I sat through orientation after orientation, I realized that I would need to soak up a significant amount of technical knowledge to be successful at this new job. Click Here to Read Article …

6 Tips on What to Wear at Work

6 Tips on What to Wear at Work

Even if there is no official dress code at your work, that doesn’t mean anything goes. Nobody really minds piercings, tattoos or nose-rings any more, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t dos and don’ts when it comes to office apparel and what to wear to work.

Depending on the type of employer, there may be nods, winks and more that suggest an employee go home and change if they are too suggestive on the shop floor.

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5 Time-Saving Tips For a Productive Day

5 Time-Saving Tips For a Productive Day

All of us want to have more of those great days where it feels like we’re getting everything done quickly and nothing can stop us. Most people find these super productive days to be elusive, and it’s easy to feel like it happens more by chance than because of any effort on our parts.

But it is possible to capture that feeling. With a little planning and these time-saving tips, you can make sure you’re working productively and efficiently every day of the week. It’s all about establishing rhythm and momentum in your work. In short, you’ll get more done in less time, and it’ll feel easier. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Tips For Working from Home

Technology in today’s corporate world has opened up new doors to telecommuters everywhere. The ability to interact instantly and submit quality work via the internet has fueled a trend where more and more employees are taking their work from the corporate office to a home office environment. It is important to know the possible downfalls of working from home when making the decision to leave the corporate workplace and join the ranks of home office employees.  Here are five tips to successfully work from a home office.
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7 Ways to Kick Start Your Day

The way we start our day can strongly influence how the rest of the day goes. Whether we are concerned in making that first hour of the day the one that sets the tone or use the morning to create a great day throughout, we need to take the early part of the day to set up success for the rest of the day. Here are seven tried and tested ways that I use to kick start my day.
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