Displaying All Posts tagged with career transition

How to Change Careers

A career change, whether by choice or by force, is always intimidating.

No matter how long you have spent in your current profession, if your education, training and experience are in that field, moving to another one feels like starting over.

But rather than seeing a career transition as starting over or losing everything you’ve worked for, it’s important to think of it instead as a fresh start.

It’s a chance to begin a new career and bring into it the wisdom you probably wish you had when you began your previous one.

Still, surviving a career transition will involve a great deal more than wishful thinking and a new resume. You’ll need a plan to make your way through the change and send yourself on an upward trajectory in your new field. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Handle a Career Transition

career transition

Depending on why you are choosing, or have chosen, to switch careers you may be facing a variety of emotions — but it’s a safe bet that they will include both exhilaration and trepidation.

Finding your feet in a new field can take time.

That’s why it’s a good idea to lay the groundwork by taking at least one course that relates to the area you plan to work in, even if you’re just moving within a certain field.

Not only will this help acquaint you with any legal and professional issues you need to be across, it will also inform you about practices and information that might, at the beginning, be unfamiliar.

It’s important to choose a study program carefully and wisely. Online courses are very popular now, as they are flexible and can be fitted in around other commitments.

Use a good, comprehensive resource and make sure that you select a course that meets your needs and goals. Embarking on a period of study is also a great way to connect with others who will also be entering your chosen field, via online professional forums connected with the subject. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Manage Career Transition Stress

There’s no two ways about it. No matter what the reason for the change, the career transition process can be stressful.

When my former company shut down, I had been there for 5 years.  I woke up one day with nowhere to go.  This period of “limbo” was great for a short while.  It was an unexpected opportunity to finally relax and enjoy not having somewhere to be everyday at 7:00 am.  I travelled, caught up with old friends and colleagues.  Oh, and I planned my wedding. Click Here to Read Article …

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