Displaying All Posts tagged with how to improve productivity

How a Sticky Note Can Change Your Life

In this era of always-on, constantly connected mobile and computing devices, it’s comforting to know it’s still possible to be incredibly efficient and effective using the humble sticky note. In this article I’ll show you how to use a system called “The Critical Six” to manage your most important life goals using simple square sticky notes. You’ll be amazed at how focused and productive you can become and how much more you’ll get done. Click Here to Read Article …

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Importance of sticky notes

How to Improve Productivity: 6 Lessons from Great Software

Well-written software applications are fast, powerful and flexible: They are remarkably disciplined, following a rigid set of self-imposed rules. Their meticulous organization allows them to keep track of millions of bits of information, and their multitasking ability is unmatched. As air breathing, flesh-and-blood work processors, we could learn quite a bit from our binary-based brethren. Click Here to Read Article …

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how to improve productivity, how to improve software productivity, improve productivity software, Improving Software Productivity