Displaying All Posts tagged with security

eCrypt.me: Simple and Easy Encryption

Email has come a long way, in terms of all levels of functionality and feature sets. Email security, however, is an ongoing concern. It’s not terribly secure — and any security features offered through email are heavily reliant on the end-user in order for them to have any sort of impact. So if you’re working in a profession that requires a higher level of discretion with the documents that you’re sending back and forth, then you’ll need to be particularly careful with what you’re sending over email. This is where the new service, eCrypt.me comes in.

eCrypt.me is a web-based, secure and encrypted email environment that looks a lot like Gmail or Hotmail — and is just as simple to use. The difference is that it has high-level security built right into the environment.

There’s no concern about setting up any sort of privacy system — in fact, there’s no need whatsoever. eCrypt.me solves this problem by making it easy for people working in professions that require a great deal of discretion (consultants, accountants, lawyers, financial planners, etc.) to communicate with their coworkers and clientele without having privacy concerns. But it’s not just for people in those types of professions. If email security is a concern for you, then eCrypt.me may well be a great choice as your new web-based email client. And you can use your current email address with the service, so there’s no hassle in dealing with an email address change to get started.
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How to Keep Your Data Safe While Traveling

Thanks to the Internet, work doesn’t mean being confined to the office. Laptops and phones have become powerful enough to allow us to complete tasks while traveling. This means freelancers and entrepreneurs can turn just about any location into a work station. Even if you work for someone else, you have a lot of flexibility in where you work. It also means a major productivity boon if you’re traveling on business. At just about any point in your travels, you can get work done — just as long as you’re not driving. Click Here to Read Article …