6 Quick Ways to Increase Productivity Now

6 Quick Ways to Increase Productivity Now

Wouldn’t it be great to maximize your performance and increase your personal productivity at work?

You already work hard, and you work long hours, but there are things you can do to make the time you put in more productive than it already is.

Here are six suggestions on how to increase productivity. Click Here to Read Article …

7 Tips for Aspiring Startups

7 Tips for Aspiring Startups

When you finally get the nerve to start your business, you want to be sure everything will work out in the best way.

Only five percent of those who want to start a business are able to make their dream come true.

Do you give up right after launching if your product isn’t a complete success?

Do you bail out if you lose money from month to month or stick with it, hoping that your idea will bring you millions one day?

If you’re asking yourself these questions, it means that you’re at the beginning of the long road to success, right where I was a year ago.

If you’re aware of these seven things I learned after the beginning of my business launch, you can turn your startup dream into a reality and resist the urge to give up in few months in. Click Here to Read Article …

7 Reasons to Send Your Workforce Home

7 Reasons to Send Your Workforce Home

Have you ever considered whether your office, the physical evidence of your “success,” could actually be killing your business?

After 10 years of having a buzzing team around me, I recently sent every single one of my employees home and closed the physical office doors forever.

Why? We went remote.

I’d heard about remote working many times before — many of my entrepreneurial friends have been doing it for years.

But I had a whole bunch of preconceptions, fears and concerns about all of the different reasons why remote working wouldn’t work for my business. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Avoid Office Conflict

How to Avoid Office Conflict

Have you ever had to manage conflict at a job? When I was eighteen and fresh out of high school, I was offered my first job in which interacting with coworkers was a requirement.

I didn’t have much of anything to compare the experience to, but I sensed early on that there was some serious conflict brewing between the ladies I worked with. There was constant talking behind each other’s backs and harsh criticism was commonplace. Those who weren’t passive aggressive were just downright nasty.

But being the youngest in the bunch, I didn’t think it was my place to speak up and I feared that certain individuals would turn on me if I simply excused myself from the conflict. Click Here to Read Article …

Introverts: 6 Ways to Find Your Niche in the Office

Introverts: 6 Ways to Find Your Niche in the Office

It’s the same story everywhere you work: You can’t think on the fly during meetings or jump in during call-it-out brainstorming sessions. You feel drained after office events that involve being around a lot of people, no matter how nice they are. And you’re always pegged as the quiet one.

But you have ideas. Good ones. You just need to find a way to contribute.

If this sounds familiar, you may be an introvert. Depending on the website, book or study, introverts make up 25 percent to slightly more than 50 percent of the population. My own extensive research – in the form of an anonymous survey distributed on Facebook, Twitter, and my blog – had 60 percent of the 68 respondents identify themselves as introverts. If we were a political party, we’d win by a landslide.

Yet the odds are still stacked against us at work, where meetings and brainstorming sessions often rule the culture. “A lot of workplace things are organized in extroverted ways,” says Wendy Gelberg, author of The Successful Introvert: How to Enhance Your Job Search and Advance Your Career and owner of Gentle Job Search & Career Services.

But introverts can find their workplace niche, which will enable them to feel more comfortable – and excel – on the job.
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7 Reasons to Ditch Multitasking

7 Reasons to Ditch Multitasking

We may have more than ever on our plates at work, and it can be tempting to try to knock several things out at the same time. And let’s be honest — sometimes that technique gets the job(s) done.

If multitasking has become a constant in your work day, however, you may want to read on. New research shows that multitasking not only doesn’t help us, it can do quite a bit to hurt.

Here are some of the most important reasons that multitasking is bad for you. A quick tip: Don’t try to do anything else while you read them. Click Here to Read Article …

The 3 Best Ways to Become the “Go to Guy”

The 3 Best Ways to Become the “Go to Guy”

If you are one of the many people who feel their career is in a rut and that it might be time for a promotion or raise, then it is time for you to become the “Go to Guy”. But why would you want to do that?

  • The Go to Guy is the person that your boss and colleagues know they can turn to whenever they need advice — or just need to get something accomplished.
  • The Go to Guy is indispensable (therefore, powerful) in the greater scheme of office politics.
  • The Go to Guy can leverage his superior’s opinions towards projects, inter-departmental promotions, and raises.

The best part is with good, old-fashioned hard work and initiative you can be the Go to Guy. You can make the leverage work for you. Here are the top three ways to shine above the rest.

1. Volunteer for Everything

There are several ways that volunteering can help elevate you above the rest. Volunteers are already in short supply. Many avoid volunteering because it means doing more work for no pay. This is why every organization needs solid and dependable volunteers for many tasks. Whatever you do, do not get caught up in that frame of thought. The benefits of volunteering come back to you in spades. It may not be the same as a paycheck, but in the end volunteering will pay greater…and in dividends.

The first way to volunteer is the simplest — and always seen. Whenever there is an opportunity to take on more work, take it on and do an awesome job. Go “above and beyond” in your volunteer efforts. Your boss will take notice of this and place additional confidence in you. He will see your commitment and zeal in the volunteer efforts and transfer that image to his ideas of your normal work. The bonus here is that any positive feelings and thoughts he has at this point are multiplied due to the fact that you are generously volunteering your time to help the company. While this does mean more work for you, the sacrifice will definitely give boost your career and overall inter-office image.
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8 Ways to Forget About Work…and Have Fun!

8 Ways to Forget About Work…and Have Fun!

Switching off from work is something many of us find difficult. We want the work-life balance but can find our minds are still consumed with thoughts of work when we are not there. Here are some tips to help you switch off:

1. Create a Ritual

Mark a line in the sand to signal the end of your work day. This is important whether you work from home or away. If you wear a uniform at work, you could change when you arrive home. Having a shower is another great way to wash the work day away. If you have an hour’s commute home you could decide that you will allow yourself time to ruminate over the day and upon arriving at home, you “switch” off. Find some way to delineate the work day from your leisure time.

2. Unplug

Unless it is part of your contract or job, get in the habit of unplugging from work when you are not there. You don’t have to be connected 24/7. Turn off your phone and laptop. We might think that being continuously available is what is expected of us, but often we are the ones who put these expectations on ourselves. If your boss or colleagues do expect you to be at the end of the phone or email outside work, set a new boundary around your home time. Explain what you are doing and how it will work and what you are willing to do, you don’t have to be inflexible. Be clear and assertive. Your actions could help change an unhealthy workplace habit.
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