7 Ways to Network on LinkedIn

7 Ways to Network on LinkedIn

Getting to know people in real life may be easy, but connecting with complete strangers online in hopes of gaining something from the exchange can be quite challenging.

It’s funny how every other advice-giver seems to love saying, “Make sure you network,” or “Try building connections,” without offering other pieces of crucial information concerning how on earth to do that!

The advice, it seems, is usually incomplete.

Every other Bob and Barbara knows that the networking game plays a major role when it comes to professions or career advancement.

What they can’t seem to figure out is how to approach a random stranger online and actually get them to trust what they have to say. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Reasons Entrepreneurship Isn’t as Risky as You Think

5 Reasons Entrepreneurship Isn’t as Risky as You Think

Have you been mulling over the idea you have about starting a business?

You think, “I could really start a company. I see these folks on Shark Tank. I could do that.”

You know that your corporate job is slowly crushing you, bit by bit.

But then you read somewhere that nine out of 10 new businesses fail, and it scares the hell out of you.

When you talk with your family and friends, they focus mostly on the risks, reinforcing your concerns.

You’re right to have some concerns, but there is no need to be scared, because you can beat the odds. Being an entrepreneur isn’t as risky as most people think, and here are five reasons why. Click Here to Read Article …

6 Steps to a More Satisfying Career Path

6 Steps to a More Satisfying Career Path

With my corporate clients, I’m often involved in career transition programs.

This involves facilitating or coaching leaders as they prepare and build their personal brand for the next stage in their career.

Most of the dialogues start from the wise premise, “What got you here, won’t get you there.”

Behind this though are the tough conversations around what they actually want.

No matter where you are in your career, considering the next level of transition is too frequently skipped over or given only partial focus. The obvious choices of your boss’ job or a role carrying the higher title or pay-grade are planted front and center as the goal.

All career transition work thereafter is set to drive headlong in that direction. But ask yourself these questions: Click Here to Read Article …

5 Ways to Retrain Your Brain

5 Ways to Retrain Your Brain

It was once generally accepted that we were born with a certain capacity to learn and we did the best we could with what we had.

We now know differently.

Since the 1990s — also known as “the decade of the brain” — neuroscientists have discovered that we can actually increase our capacity to learn.

Technological advances and a wealth of research now prove that creativity, innovation, critical thinking and problem solving are hardwired into each of us.

Given that we all have the same basic anatomy between our ears, what separates the best of us from the rest of us? Click Here to Read Article …

10 Must-Have Attributes for a Modern Leader

10 Must-Have Attributes for a Modern Leader

Leaders: some say they are born, while others say they are made.

First thing’s first, dwelling on these premises is futile because leadership is an attribute that pretty much falls in a, say, complex region.

On one hand, some people are indeed born with superb leadership skills that are simply off the charts.

On the other hand, some are born with endless potential that may enable them to become great leaders, just as long as they push the right buttons and make the right moves.

If you’re the latter and you want to be a good and successful leader, bear in mind that there are certain attributes that you need develop.

What are the qualities of a good leader? Read on and find out what they are. Click Here to Read Article …

6 Ways to Accelerate Your Career

6 Ways to Accelerate Your Career

Admit it … you’re angry.

You’ve worked long hours, taken on extra assignments and attended office parties. Your boss said he or she liked your work, even hinted at an imminent promotion. But when the time came, the prize went to your coworker.

High fives, pats on the back and congratulatory emails fly around your office. You keep a stiff upper lip and even offer your congratulations. Inside you’re seething. The promotion should have been yours.

And you ask yourself, why are they better than me?

Or has my boss just been pacifying me so I would work harder and sacrifice my personal life?

You pack up your laptop and pass your colleagues on their way to get a celebratory drink. It feels like you are the out part of the in crowd. As you lay awake at night, you worry that your career has gone stagnant. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Set More Realistic Goals

How to Set More Realistic Goals

Graduate at the top of the class.

Become a CEO.

Get on the cover of Forbes.

Have the world’s most influential leaders on speed-dial.

Save the world.

Lofty goals consume us, sometimes in healthy ways, sometimes not so much. Goals are everything — they tell us where we’re going and inspire us to do what it takes to get there.

Nevertheless, no matter how beautiful and well-defined our final destination might be, without the rest of the map to guide us there, it’s nothing more than a pretty picture on a piece of paper. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Questions to Find Meaning in Your Work

5 Questions to Find Meaning in Your Work

From 2002 to 2012, I shared my life with the four-legged love of my life, a Czechoslovakian Shepherd named Kona.

He meant everything to me, and I wanted to give him the best of everything!

However, almost from the day of his birth, Kona had health challenges, all of which were serious but treatable.

When I say “treatable,” I mean, extremely expensive to treat.

In the first 18 months of his life alone, his vet bills cost over $10,000 – and every year, they skyrocketed.

Now, during those 10 years, I was very fortunate to have a job that paid me enough to cover my own needs and all of Kona’s vet bills. But the workplace environment and office politics were at times emotionally and spiritually draining. Yet, I chose to continue working at this job in order to give Kona the best possible care I could afford.

Along the way I had to find a way to make it easier — notice I said easier, not necessarily easy — to show up and do the work. Click Here to Read Article …