Considering a Career Change? Avoid These 7 Mistakes

Considering a Career Change? Avoid These 7 Mistakes

They say the grass is not always greener on the other side, and in many cases, this may be true.

Similarly, we may think our current career as a bunch of baloney and another career (which we have long been daydreaming about) as something that is just what we need.

Let’s go back to the grass is greener phrase and look at some other meanings that people have attached to it:

If the grass is greener on the other side, would the other side think your grass is greener than their side?

The grass may be greener on the other side, but maybe yours will be greener if you water it.

If the grass is greener on the other side, there’s probably more manure there. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Reasons Freelancers Should Cook

5 Reasons Freelancers Should Cook

The quick pop of eggplant yielding to the knife; the warmth of steam ghosting from the colander; the joy of turning over a chicken breast to find it richly brown.

What is more authentic and soul-stirring than cooking?

And that’s what this post is all about — the need of a freelancer to do all he or she can to maintain authentic experiences to renew one’s spirit during hard weeks of toil.

Some freelancers — with no 9-to-5 schedule and a work day that may seem to have no end — eat frozen meals from sad paper trays or order takeout or stop by the fast food place. Click Here to Read Article …

10 Tips to Motivate Employees

10 Tips to Motivate Employees

Harvey Mackay once said,

“Determination + Goal-setting + Concentration = Success.”

Certainly one of the things that distinguish high-achieving operators from the pack is their ability to set and achieve goals.

While goals may exist in most organizations, there is a real art to setting them well — an art not enough business people practice.

Many set the marker unreachably high, which quickly leads to disappointment.

Others set it too low and are rewarded with sloppy standards.

If you want to be sure the goals you set — both for yourself and your employees — fire up motivation, increase determination and, most important of all, drive things forward in your company, there are 10 key things to keep in mind. Click Here to Read Article …

Stop These 10 Habits & Be Happy at Work

Stop These 10 Habits & Be Happy at Work

No matter how detailed my to-do list is or how diligently I try to stick to it, I always find myself overwhelmed at 2 p.m., making a mad dash to get things done.

This end-of-the-day crunch time leaves me exhausted and dreading what the next morning holds.

So how does an organized professional like me end up feeling like I’m giving everything, yet leaving with a sense that I’ve accomplished nothing?

Even more importantly, is there a way I can identify what I’m doing wrong, change it around to work in my favor and end each day with a sense of accomplishment instead of frustration?

Absolutely! Click Here to Read Article …

7 Tools for More Productive Telecommuting

7 Tools for More Productive Telecommuting

More and more companies are letting their employees work from where they want to.

In other words, they are working remotely.

One of the best examples and success stories of a remote team is Buffer.

They built a strong culture of remote work within their company.

If you are considering building a remote team, I recommend that you read this post from Buffer founder: The Joys and Benefits of Working as a Distributed Team.

But working as a remote team can sometimes be tricky. In fact your team needs the right tools and techniques to make it work. Click Here to Read Article …

9 Qualities Employees Love in Leaders

9 Qualities Employees Love in Leaders

Ever wonder what your employees think the perfect leader is?

Do you wonder if you are a good leader for your people?

You could directly ask them.

Of course, they could be brutally honest or lie just so they don’t get in trouble.

Unless you have good communication with your people, you may not want to ask them directly. You could have a third-party survey company perform an employee satisfaction review — this could give you an idea of what your employees are unhappy with. Click Here to Read Article …

9 Tips to Do More Every Day

9 Tips to Do More Every Day

Time is an illusion.

Time is the fourth dimension.

Time waits for no man.

These little philosophical quips may give us pause for thought, but in a hectic and demanding office environment, the only thought about time is, “Where did it go?”

All of a sudden, the day is over, and there are still files piled on your desk that you did not get to, phone messages not returned, and a meeting that had to be re-scheduled for tomorrow because you ran out of time today. Click Here to Read Article …

10 Time-Saving Tips for Better Google Search Results

10 Time-Saving Tips for Better Google Search Results

Although the sea of information available in the online world goes beyond the wildest imagination, not everyone knows how to find the piece of information they need.

Google, as one of the most powerful search engines on the web, was developed with the purpose to make that database of content searchable and accessible to online users.

All you need to do is type a query in Google and start going through the first results it lists. Is it really that simple? Click Here to Read Article …