6 Areas to Focus on for Work-Life Balance

6 Areas to Focus on for Work-Life Balance

People nowadays keep running after professional success, missing out on rare opportunities to live precious moments with their family and friends.

And we all know that time and tide wait for none. You only live once.

So are you still willing to trade away your balance in life for a prestigious position in your company or a higher pay package?

Here are the fundamental components that form the mantras for life and can help you improve your daily routine to strike the perfect work-life balance.

Let’s take a look at the six components that, when managed well, can make a world of a difference. Click Here to Read Article …

Fixing Up Your Home on a Budget

Fixing Up Your Home on a Budget

Your house doesn’t care whether you’re on a budget or have plenty of cash to spare.

When fixtures break down or the foundation cracks, you have to take care of them before the damage worsens.

Even if you are renting your home, you may be liable for the repairs.

These tips can help you handle the necessary tasks without going into debt or paying more than necessary. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Make Your Law Career Dreams Come True

How to Make Your Law Career Dreams Come True

When most humanities majors eventually make the decision to take the LSAT and go to law school, they imagine a career path that will be easy to travel.

After three short years of schooling — and after more than 16 years, what’s an additional three? — they will graduate with shiny degrees as fully fledged lawyers.

They’ll be primed and ready for firms to snatch them up and start paying them exorbitantly for fulfilling and worthwhile work.

Unfortunately, the field of law isn’t quite what it used to be. Currently, there are more students in law school than there are working lawyers, and law firms still aren’t hiring as voraciously as they did before the Great Recession.

Still, there is no need for hungry humanities students to abandon their law-related dreams; instead, they should reconsider their plans for law school and beyond. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Let Go of Resentment at Work

How to Let Go of Resentment at Work

As we grow in our lives and our careers, we pick up things along the way. Most of these things are positive and useful and allow us to grow into successful people.

But some of the things we hold on to are neither practicable nor of any use to us. In fact they only hold us back.

Two of those things are regrets and resentments, and what we discover is that we can’t get ahead while we are still pulling them along with us.

Regrets and resentments weigh us down and actually produce negative energy that will hinder our success. Until we deal with them. Click Here to Read Article …

6 Tips to Work More Efficiently

6 Tips to Work More Efficiently

Organization: The eternal enemy of employees. Of everyone really. Getting organized would mean extra input of effort and work.

“Why would I do that? I get my work done.”

Efficiency is the answer.

Imposing organizational strategies will make you work more efficiently, prevent headaches and will let you display your work at a glance.

We can’t force everyone into good habits — some have work-load chaos deeply rooted within them — but for those seeking improvement, these tips will be of great value. Click Here to Read Article …

The Wide, Wild World of Nursing School

The Wide, Wild World of Nursing School

There are a lot of offerings when it comes to nursing school. How do you understand the differences?

A BSN usually takes four years to complete, and the curriculum is much the same as an ADN but with more in-depth study and more hands-on experience.

Nurses with BSN degrees simply have more knowledge about nursing than their lesser-educated co-workers, which makes them substantially more attractive to employers.

Additionally, BSNs have a wider variety of career options after graduation.

Though they may choose to find employment at a hospital or care facility and assume the typical nursing responsibilities, they may also choose to enter the field of public health to aid communities in health initiatives, or they may work as nurse educators to train another generation of hardworking nurses.

Plus, BSNs earn more than $10,000 more in salary than nurses with only associate’s degrees or certificates. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Easy Ways to Promote Your Restaurant

5 Easy Ways to Promote Your Restaurant

Running a successful restaurant involves a lot more than putting good food on a plate.

While the failure rate of new restaurants isn’t quite as bad as the popularly quoted 9 out of 10, the rate still hovers around a formidable 60% according to Bloomberg Businessweek.

We’ve all seen the flurry of television shows revolving around restaurant culture, everything from Restaurant Impossible and Restaurant Stakeout to Restaurant Takeover.

If you’re running a restaurant without the help of a professional TV crew, you might have to take matters into your own hands. Thankfully, marketing your restaurant is easier than you might think.

Here are five easy ways to promote your restaurant, from merchandizing with custom design sweatshirts to generating interest with regular promotions: Click Here to Read Article …

Get Your Career on Track with an M.S. in Accounting

Get Your Career on Track with an M.S. in Accounting

The job market is finally seeing some growth since the 2007 recession.

In September, USA Today reported that the unemployment rate fell below 6 percent for the first time since 2008.

The same article also said that experts predict jobs requiring a bachelor’s degree or higher would show the most growth from now through 2022, with those demanding a master’s degree increasing by more than 18 percent.

With these statistics in mind, recent college graduates and working professionals alike should consider furthering their education. Job applicants with graduate degrees will have more opportunities and more job security than their counterparts over the next decade. Click Here to Read Article …