5 Considerations Before Taking that Job Across the Country

5 Considerations Before Taking that Job Across the Country

Taking a job across the country was one of the scariest things I’ve done in my adult life.

While the prospects for greater upward mobility in my career, more money and a nice benefits package — including more vacation time and better insurance — definitely made the move worthwhile, leaving family and friends behind in order to chase career gold nearly 2,000 miles away was a scary and stressful idea.

I learned a few things along the way that I wanted to share. If I can help to minimize stress and anxiety during one of the most difficult tasks in your life, then it makes sense to share what I know in order to attempt to help a few of you along the way.  Click Here to Read Article …

6 Comedy Tips for Business Success

6 Comedy Tips for Business Success

Last fall, after putting off going to my first Toastmaster’s meeting for the umpteenth time, I decided to enroll in an improv comedy class.

I had been watching Whose Line Is It Anyway? and thought to myself, “Why can’t I think off the cuff and engage in witty banter like those guys on the show?”

So, on the first day of class, I girded up my loins and forced myself to actually attend.

I knew I wouldn’t become the next Will Ferrell or Tina Fey, but I figured it would help me to round out my public speaking skills.

What I didn’t anticipate, however, was that it would provide so many valuable lessons that could be applied to a professional environment.

In fact, I would go so far as to say that anyone who wants to become more effective in the workplace could benefit from taking a whirl at improv.

Here are the top six lessons from improv that can help advance your career: Click Here to Read Article …

8 Productivity Pitfalls New Entrepreneurs Must Avoid

8 Productivity Pitfalls New Entrepreneurs Must Avoid

Building a business takes a lot of time.

With so many things to do and not enough hours in a day to finish them all, new entrepreneurs find out pretty quickly how valuable their time is.

If you’re starting a business on your own, then you know you’ve got to make the best possible use of your time every single day.

Productivity doesn’t mean being busy all the time but being busy with the right things. It means knowing which tasks to pick and which ones to delegate or put off for another day.

Want to know more? Here are productivity pitfalls you should keep your eyes peeled for. Hopefully, by knowing them in advance, you’ll have a better chance of avoiding them in the future. Click Here to Read Article …

7 Tools to Improve Your Writing

7 Tools to Improve Your Writing

If you are aiming toward great success in the business world, then you have to pay attention to your writing skills.

Emails are often the first tool of communication between business people, so the impression these messages leave is essential for successful collaboration.

If you are part of the business world, then you probably don’t have time to spend entire days reading books and practicing your writing skills.

However, that doesn’t mean you should give up. You can polish your writing skills and become a more successful business person with a few tools. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Be a More Productive Freelancer

How to Be a More Productive Freelancer

In the middle of the 20th century, Toyota began implementing principles called Lean Methodology.

This system became commonplace in Japanese factories, helping that nation to so much of its success in the automotive, electronics and other industries.

Lean Methodology is all about keeping everything in a workplace trimmed and clean — setting aside and casting off anything unnecessary.

This streamlines processes, with efficiency leading to speed and higher productivity. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Be More Likeable at Work

How to Be More Likeable at Work

In the office, as in life, it’s easy to become so focused on one thing — your work and all the pleasures and frustrations that come with it — that you forget to focus on pretty much anything, or anyone, else.

But this is exactly what the most likable people do.

They transcend the chaos of the workplace.

They’re warm, interesting, funny and engaging.

If this doesn’t sound like you, take heart — and consider employing these five traits. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Be A Client’s Go-To Freelancer

How to Be A Client’s Go-To Freelancer

We aren’t evaluated in a vacuum.

We don’t encounter people in a vacuum, but in the midst of their lives, when they’ve had experiences we can only guess at.

Whatever interactions we have with them they compare against those they’ve had with others.

Their expectations for the work we do with (for) them come from their experiences with other freelancers, whether they be graphic designers, wedding photographers, ghost writers or anyone.

Some clients have had some misgivings with some of the work they’ve commissioned, and they may have written these off as reflecting the limits of what they can possibly expect. That’s why a freelancer can benefit so greatly from giving clients the things they aren’t getting elsewhere.

Understanding what other freelancers are getting wrong and being sure to do that thing can get you some good reviews, referrals to new clients, decent pay and lots of appreciation. Click Here to Read Article …

6 Keys to Success In Life

6 Keys to Success In Life

Have you been yearning for success in your stagnating career?

Don’t worry. You are not alone.

Success means different things to different people.

To some, success means earning a lot of money.

To others it may mean getting promoted to the highest possible designation.

I, however, like to think of it as being happy and finding meaning in what you do. And not just finding meaning, but also continuing to enjoy your work until the day you retire. Personally, I think that is where true success lies.

How then can we nurture our careers and our life? What are the keys to success in life? Here are a few simple yet effective tips on how we can keep growing personally and professionally until the day we retire and hopefully even after that! Click Here to Read Article …