Displaying All Posts tagged with Goals

What You Really Need Is A Manifesto

One really awesome way to give your personal productivity a nice boost is to get your very own manifesto. Not to be confused with the mission statement, a manifesto is like the mission statement’s tougher, cooler older brother or sister. The awesome one that everyone likes, everyone respects and everyone emulates because they’re totally punk rock and better than you at everything.

Don’t let the most famous manifesto dissuade you either. Yes, I know Karl Marx wrote one. But so did Guy Kawasaki, career renegade Jonathan Fields and designer Bruce Mau. In fact, there is a whole website dedicated to people’s manifestos on various topics ranging from change and achievement to creativity and how to give a compelling presentation.

A manifesto is a bold statement, or extended mantra, that sets a tone for your day, your career, heck, even your life. It’s a road map to awesomeness that should induce a surge of adrenaline pulsing through your body with each reading. Click Here to Read Article …

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What is a Dream Job?

We are always rolling the idea of a “dream job” around in our heads. Whether you’re sagging your head on a slow workday or sweating bullets during a hectic one, thoughts of your perfect job will cross your mind. What is a “dream job” anyway? It’s different for everyone, but it usually comes to us as an ever-changing counterpoint to our current job: If you’re bored by your current job, you dream of an active, fulfilling one. If you’re overloaded with work, you dream of a slower, simpler workday. If you have no autonomy at your current job, you dream of being an entrepreneur empowered with control over your own destiny.

But, despite all of these passing, changing thoughts, few of us have paused and allowed our dream job the consideration it deserves. Ask yourself: Have you given any real thought or definition to your dream job? Would you recognize it if you saw it? Would you be ready to pursue it if it appeared? If you struggle with any of the answers, perhaps you should stop, sit down, and give the matter your full attention. Click Here to Read Article …

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How Do You Learn?

Idle hands are one thing, but what about an idle mind?

As human beings, we thirst for knowledge.  Heck, it’s the message behind the opening dialogue over top of every Star Trek opening – ever.  We want to know more.  We need to know more.  How we do that is up to each of us…well, once you’re out of school.

Continuing on in school and taking courses (like night classes) is one way to do it.  You can even take many classes online now (they’re the new “correspondence” courses).  Those aside, you can learn from books that you buy or borrow.  The content on the web – like blogs – can educate as well.  And while learning on the job is likely the most common (and most cost-effective) way to learn in the present day, you may not necessarily be learning what you’d like to.

So, how do you learn?  How do you like to learn?  What’s your favorite way to learn new things and advance your knowledge in others?  Let us know in the comments. Click Here to Read Article …

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Procrastination Hack: Aim for Nonzero

Whenever his clients had trouble understanding the meaning of their dreams, Sigmund Freud would ask them, “What does this dream definitely not mean?” Once they started discussing invalid interpretations of their dreams, the inertia was broken, and they would transition without effort into examining the actual meaning of those dreams. Click Here to Read Article …

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Paying Your Dues As An Entry-Level Employee

“Entry-level” work often consists of the mundane, tedious tasks that managers and veterans just won’t do anymore. The term itself makes it quite clear that entry-level positions are at the bottom of the office rankings. Being the “new guy” or the “rookie” at work can seem like a raw deal, but the right outlook can help you pay your dues as painlessly as possible. It’s a rite of passage that almost every one of your co-workers survived at the start of their career. If you do your entry-level work right the first time, you’ll never have to revisit the bottom of the totem pole. But, if you approach it with a poor attitude and a shaky work ethic, you might find yourself a permanent position in entry-level limbo. Click Here to Read Article …

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Producteev Two is a Sequel Worth Checking Out

Yesterday was the launch of latest offering in web-based productivity software solutions, Producteev Two.  The system takes all of your (and, if applicable, you team’s) tasks and puts them into one place where they can managed and tracked accordingly.  I’ve had some time to play around with the beta release of the product and am quite impressed with the look, feel and ease of use of this pretty powerful tool.  Oh, and you can do pretty much everything without even going to their website. Click Here to Read Article …

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The Midweek Manifesto

You’ve just passed the middle of the week.  No time like the present to take a look at what you’ve done and what you have to get done.  Here’s a short note I like to call The Midweek Manifesto:

My mission is to reflect on the beginning of the week, see what I’ve not done and reboot it and see what I’ve done and celebrate it.  Looking forward I will take what’s left to be done and do it and with the rest of my plans I will stand firm.  I’ll add tasks as I need and make sure that I heed my own voice that tells me, “I must get to complete.”

It may sound a bit cheesy but it works for me.  I’m not suggesting you use this example, but just keep in mind your week is past the halfway mark.  Don’t let it get away from you. Click Here to Read Article …

Breaking Bad Habits

Habits aren’t always bad, but the word just seems to conjure up thoughts of things that aren’t particularly good for us.  There are “challenges” all over the web that try to help you break these habits but there are also those that try to instill good ones.  These challenges can come with weekly or monthly timelines (such as 30 Days of Creativity or the Jerry Seinfeld-inspired Don’t Break The Chain), and even make you accountable to not just yourself but others as well (The Power of Less Challenge would be an example of this).

What bad habit would you like to break?  What good habit would you like to begin?  Let us know in the comments. Click Here to Read Article …

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