Displaying All Posts in the Goals category

5 Ways to Accomplish Goals While Multitasking

how to set goals

Goal setting in a multitasking environment is viciously difficult.

Ideally, you want to get the most out of your productive time with the least amount of effort.

Otherwise what is the point of multitasking?

The trouble is that it is very easy to lose time and concentration when your attention is pulled from one task to another.

Here are some useful tips for how to set goals while multitasking. Click Here to Read Article …

7 Reasons to Ditch Multitasking

Ditch Multitasking

We may have more than ever on our plates at work, and it can be tempting to try to knock several things out at the same time. And let’s be honest — sometimes that technique gets the job(s) done.

If multitasking has become a constant in your work day, however, you may want to read on. New research shows that multitasking not only doesn’t help us, it can do quite a bit to hurt.

Here are some of the most important reasons that multitasking is bad for you. A quick tip: Don’t try to do anything else while you read them. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Change Careers

A career change, whether by choice or by force, is always intimidating.

No matter how long you have spent in your current profession, if your education, training and experience are in that field, moving to another one feels like starting over.

But rather than seeing a career transition as starting over or losing everything you’ve worked for, it’s important to think of it instead as a fresh start.

It’s a chance to begin a new career and bring into it the wisdom you probably wish you had when you began your previous one.

Still, surviving a career transition will involve a great deal more than wishful thinking and a new resume. You’ll need a plan to make your way through the change and send yourself on an upward trajectory in your new field. Click Here to Read Article …

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6 Tips to Be a Better Content Creator

Whether you’re a blogger, a podcaster or a vlogger, one of your main goals is to consistently produce new content — that’s why you’re called a content creator!

As a content creator myself, I’m always on the lookout for new tools and hacks that can help me be more productive and get things done.

In this post I discuss productivity hacks for content creators and tools that help you save up to a few hours each week.

I recently came across a system that has completely changed the way I approach my daily and weekly activities.

It’s also drastically increased my productivity and efficiency. Personally, I think the reason this one works so well, compared to others taught by “productivity gurus”, is that it has to do with the way we think. Click Here to Read Article …

6 Steps to a More Satisfying Career Path

With my corporate clients, I’m often involved in career transition programs.

This involves facilitating or coaching leaders as they prepare and build their personal brand for the next stage in their career.

Most of the dialogues start from the wise premise, “What got you here, won’t get you there.”

Behind this though are the tough conversations around what they actually want.

No matter where you are in your career, considering the next level of transition is too frequently skipped over or given only partial focus. The obvious choices of your boss’ job or a role carrying the higher title or pay-grade are planted front and center as the goal.

All career transition work thereafter is set to drive headlong in that direction. But ask yourself these questions: Click Here to Read Article …

How to Set More Realistic Goals

realistic goals

Graduate at the top of the class.

Become a CEO.

Get on the cover of Forbes.

Have the world’s most influential leaders on speed-dial.

Save the world.

Lofty goals consume us, sometimes in healthy ways, sometimes not so much. Goals are everything — they tell us where we’re going and inspire us to do what it takes to get there.

Nevertheless, no matter how beautiful and well-defined our final destination might be, without the rest of the map to guide us there, it’s nothing more than a pretty picture on a piece of paper. Click Here to Read Article …

10 Tips to Motivate Employees

motivate employees

Harvey Mackay once said,

“Determination + Goal-setting + Concentration = Success.”

Certainly one of the things that distinguish high-achieving operators from the pack is their ability to set and achieve goals.

While goals may exist in most organizations, there is a real art to setting them well — an art not enough business people practice.

Many set the marker unreachably high, which quickly leads to disappointment.

Others set it too low and are rewarded with sloppy standards.

If you want to be sure the goals you set — both for yourself and your employees — fire up motivation, increase determination and, most important of all, drive things forward in your company, there are 10 key things to keep in mind. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Rock Your Next Review

job review

I have worked at a number of different companies, both large and small. Today I run my own business.

The company I founded came into existence based on frustrations I experienced working in a corporate environment.

Between bureaucracy and my own lack of relevant training, I became disappointed and disenchanted with the employee review process.

Whether you’re new to the working world, or someone who’s been around the block a time or two, I bet we have something in common.

We’re not sure how to appropriately prepare for employee reviews, and further, we’re not certain we have the Jedi mind skills to chart the course of our professional destiny. Click Here to Read Article …