Displaying All Posts tagged with motivation

How to Set & Reach Your Goals

How to Set & Reach Your Goals

Do you feel stuck in your job or your life? Are you growing a bit stale and stagnant?

Maybe it’s time to move onward and upward, but you don’t really know how to get there? Then perhaps what you’re missing is a personal growth plan.

A personal growth plan is an organized way to help you realize your full potential in your career and in your life.

Are you ready? Here are some elements of a personal growth plan. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Ways to Find Motivation at Work

5 Ways to Find Motivation at Work

Are you sleepwalking through your workday? You’re not alone.

Studies show that scores of employees aren’t actively engaged at work for a variety of reasons, which results in poor productivity and a sinking bottom line.

The ownership of employee engagement typically starts at the top.

Executive leadership and management should take responsibility for establishing a positive culture by understanding what motivates employees and by taking steps to cultivate an enthusiastic workforce.

Employee engagement is a two-way street, but what can you do if your employer is not doing its fair share? Click Here to Read Article …

4 Ways to Do Your Best Work

4 Ways to Do Your Best Work

There is a great little book about life and living called The Four Agreements. It is a New York Times bestseller by the Toltec Indian teacher and spiritual guide by Don Miguel Ruiz.

It features four simple agreements that if you practice them regularly, will improve your life and living. One of them, the fourth actually, is Always Do Your Best.

This agreement, which you make with yourself, allows all the other positive things that you do in life to become more effective and to reach their full potential so that you can live a happy and contented life.

But you can also utilize this agreement to make the most of your time at work. And since you spend a third of your life there, the practices that you introduce at work will spill over to help you make the most of the rest of your life as well. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Become Financially Independent

How to Become Financially Independent

Financial independence is the dream many individuals aspire to reach.

The idea of being able to earn your own income is a worthwhile thing to pursue, and luckily if you’re an entrepreneur, you’re already a step ahead of the rest of the world.

On the other hand, just because you’re bringing in your own source of income at the moment doesn’t mean the situation is set in stone.

Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur currently working for someone else, or an established business owner, here are a few steps you can take to protect and preserve your financial autonomy. Click Here to Read Article …

4 Tips for Professional Growth

4 Tips for Professional Growth

Almost every individual desires to advance in their professional career. However, it is easier said than done.

Career growth means higher levels of dedication, patience and confidence. If someone lacks in these areas, the first thing to do is overcome them.

Some people believe that switching to a different job may help them with their career growth. Though it might be true for some, for many it is certainly not.

Truth be told, if you have the right kind of attitude and commitment, it’s possible you’ll be able to advance your career in your current job as well. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Find Work-Life Balance with Moderation

Almost everything from coffee, red wine and even desserts can be good for us, if we indulge in moderation.

Moderation, or the act of being balanced mentally and emotionally at work, can also bring us great results.

Working day and night may bring great financial rewards and career success, but it’s not that great if you have no time to enjoy it. That’s why moderation works.

Here are five ways that moderation can help you at work: Click Here to Read Article …

5 Secrets to Sparking Your Creativity

5 Secrets to Sparking Your Creativity

Gretchen Rubin, the author of the highly successful book The Happiness Project spent a year trying to figure out what made her happy.

One of her conclusions was that following her passions, instead of curbing her impulses to be creative, brought her much closer to that elusive goal.

In order to do that, she designed several ways to help spark her creativity on a regular basis. They include taking notes and making random lists, poking around the Internet and visiting strange locations that seem to attract her.

You can spark your own creativity by trying out some of her ideas, or maybe some of these five other ways to get your imagination and creativity flowing. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Work Less While Producing More

How to Work Less While Producing More

“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” ~ Michael Altshuler

When I was inching my way towards college graduation and anticipating what lies ahead, I wasn’t dreading stepping into the “real world” and getting a full time job, but I was dreading falling into the picture of what society tells us a full time job has to look like.

I didn’t want someone to tell me that I needed to sit in front of a computer between the hours of eight and five, with two fifteen minute breaks and one half and hour break if I’m lucky. I wanted to be productive, in a nontraditional way. Click Here to Read Article …