Displaying All Posts tagged with Work Life

Paying Your Dues As An Entry-Level Employee

“Entry-level” work often consists of the mundane, tedious tasks that managers and veterans just won’t do anymore. The term itself makes it quite clear that entry-level positions are at the bottom of the office rankings. Being the “new guy” or the “rookie” at work can seem like a raw deal, but the right outlook can help you pay your dues as painlessly as possible. It’s a rite of passage that almost every one of your co-workers survived at the start of their career. If you do your entry-level work right the first time, you’ll never have to revisit the bottom of the totem pole. But, if you approach it with a poor attitude and a shaky work ethic, you might find yourself a permanent position in entry-level limbo. Click Here to Read Article …

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5 Efficient Ways to Share Files

As working from home and from the office is crossing over more and more these days, it’s becoming increasingly important to manage your computer files on multiple platforms.  There are several ways to do this that will keep you moving forward and more productive as a result. Click Here to Read Article …

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3 Great Job Interview Articles

In today’s job market, people are not only changing workplaces more than ever; they are altering their career paths as well. Being confident going into a job interview – either for a better position within your current place of employment or for a new employer altogether – can be a real challenge.  Being prepared, however, is easy if you’ve been keeping tabs on where you are at in your career and where you’d like to be.  It’s all about being proactive even when there may not be an immediate need.

Here are three articles that give you practical advice on how (and how not to) land that next job.

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How to Best Utilize Your Personal Assistant

Many managers, particularly those new to management do not make the most of having a personal assistant.  A well organised, reliable assistant can provide significant value to a manager transitioning into a new division or company.  The practical tips below will have a new manager and their assistant performing as a well oiled machine in no time. Click Here to Read Article …

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The CV Toolkit – Resume Templates

Keeping your credentials up-to-date is crucial.  In the ever-changing job market (and world, for that matter), it’s important to keep on top of what skills and experience you have acquired.  It may seem onerous, but there are ways to do it quickly, easily and consistently – you can maintain both your productivity and resumé with the right tools.  That’s where WorkAwesome comes in. Click Here to Read Article …

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Looking Back and Looking Forward

Looking Back and Looking Forward

The weekend is a time to take care of yourself – whether it be catching up on household projects, spending time with family and friends or taking the time to rest and simply enjoy the fruits of your labor.

It is also a time to reflect on the week gone by and prepare for the week ahead.

Since you were a child you have (likely) known that you should look both ways before crossing the street.. You should treat your planning in a similar manner. Look both ways before going ahead. Know where you have been and where youre headed – or like to be headed.

Looking back on your past successes and shortcomings will work for you going forward. The weekend is the perfect opportunity to take the time to do that.

Failing to do so may not be as destructive as what could happen if you cross a street without looking…but it can definitely make for a less productive week. Click Here to Read Article …

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Working for the Weekend?

Not that silly of a question,  really.

Even if you put in a 9 to 5 work week, it’s entriely possible that it doesn’t end there.  Some people work straight through the week.  Some take other days off during the week because they can simply get more done on the weekend.  Others have part-time passions that they pursue on what would normally be considered “days off” – myself included.

So do you work over the weekend?  Do you put in a full day when you do?  Leave a comment to let us know! Click Here to Read Article …

The Benefits of Working from Home

Going to work in an office can be stressful and costly for both employee and employer.  Thanks to technology many people have the option of working from home (or off-site at that warm beach somewhere!).  For consultants and freelancers there are obvious reasons why you should work from home (you might not have another choice anyway!) but for full-time employees there are financial and personal advantages to working at least a couple days per week from home.  Not every profession allows for this flexibility but if yours is one of the many that do, here are some benefits to look into for both employer and employee. Click Here to Read Article …

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