Displaying All Posts from October, 2012

How to Create a Healthy Balance in Life

create a healthy balance

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When you live and breathe your own company, it can be an all-consuming process. The line in the sand between work and play is very much blurred and it is therefore important to create a healthy balance between the time you spend on your growing business and the time you enjoy with family and friends.

A fantastic work-life balance is arguably the holy grail of the modern working man or woman. Being able to juggle your professional and personal lives is a skill in itself. If you are struggling to do so and are striving for a successful balance, here are a few ideas to help you put it into action. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Answer “Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?”

Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years

I’m sure you’ve been asked this question at an interview at some point in your life.

Coming straight from the ‘stock questions to ask interview candidates’ manual, the “Where do you see yourself” question sits neatly alongside “What’s your greatest weakness?” and “How would you deal with a difficult situation?”

It’s a lazy employer who asks one of these ‘difficult’ questions. Both sides could probably just as well do the interview over the phone and save everyone a lot of time!

Unfortunately, if you want the job you’re going to have to sit through these painful interviews and prepare to give the same stock answer. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Manage Time & Follow Through on Your Goals

Manage time and follow through

Several years ago, I moved to Silicon Valley to pursue a healthcare-related postgraduate degree. The first six months or so of school was the most rigorous academic experience I’ve ever had. Forty plus hours in the classroom per week plus study time crammed into short quarters was much more than I could handle.

After things started lightening up a bit, I began expanding my horizons in the local area. I started meeting people who were young like me, but working at some of the local famous tech companies. It seemed like everyone was incredibly busy at work but were always making time to meet with other people to talk about startup companies. Click Here to Read Article …

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6 Things Your Customers Won’t Tell You – Unless You Ask

Things Your Customers Won’t Tell You

There are certain personal questions you should never ask your customers. They probably won’t answer anyway. You shouldn’t ask about your customers’ political persuasion, religion, sexual preference, or ethnicity. But, really, do these questions really matter all that much in the long run?

The thing is lots of businesses do ask about this personal type of information, while neglecting more important questions. If you really want to get to the heart of what draws customers to your business and what might keep them coming back for more, ask the following six questions instead: Click Here to Read Article …

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Save Time & Money with Smarter Quoting

Smarter Quoting

Although it’s one of the most crucial parts of any business, I used to loathe the time I spent quoting for work and then invoicing everything at the end.  When I started freelancing, I used Microsoft Word and Excel, laboriously writing everything and saving dozens of files in folders for date, client and many other systems.  This worked fined until I found I had saved over a previous invoice, or my folder inadvertently moved itself to a secret location, meaning wasted time.

As I progressed on to more complex projects I needed a better system. Not only to save me time but also to help me actually do my pricing. I wanted to save time and money with smarter quoting! Click Here to Read Article …

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What is Your Leadership Style?

your leadership style

As a young leader I’ve been observing how others treat their peers and subordinates. In fact, before I was a leader I was already identifying how I would and would not lead, when I had people to follow me. Influenced by both those I looked up to and established authors, I started to write down what type of leadership style I would embody.

First off, borrowed from John Maxwell’s The 360 Degree Leader book, I firmly believe that a leader is a servant. If you’re at the top, your job is to help those below you do a better job, or as John Maxwell puts it “add value”. If you’re at the bottom, your job is to help those above you do their jobs better. If you’re in the middle, well, you’re helping above, below, and just as importantly across. Let’s also not forget that he advocates you leading yourself before any other leading takes place. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Improve Your Writing: 6 Tips from a Freelance Writer

Improve your writing

We all know it’s the small things set us apart from the competition: a pressed edge on a collar, an innovative elevator speech, a thoughtful question at the right moment. Giving a general air of competency is essential. Appearing well-educated, confident, and innovative is the hallmark of success.

I am not ashamed to admit that I’ve called businesses to let them know their signs were misspelled. And I’m not the only one who will think twice about hiring someone who can’t keep track of his apostrophes. The ability to write well—that is, to communicate in words exactly what you mean, in a stylish way—can make the difference between success and failure in the business world. Click Here to Read Article …

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