Displaying All Posts from May, 2015

Is a Home Office Worth It?

Is a Home Office Worth It?

As a young or potential entrepreneur, renting out office space seems like a daunting idea right?

It’s a big commitment, especially when there is an alternative.

This is a topic that I encounter all the time.

With a growing number of people working from home nowadays, claiming the cost of rent or their mortgage repayments is becoming a hot topic, with most people thinking they can claim the full amount and that being that.

Unfortunately it’s not as straightforward as that. Click Here to Read Article …

4 Ways to Promote Your Writing

4 Ways to Promote Your Writing

Plenty of people will tell you the hardest part of being a content producer in the digital age is coming up with an original story or angle.

Everything’s been covered already, they say.

But they’re missing the key point: You can have the most original content on the Internet, but if you don’t market your work effectively, no one will read it.

Yes, the trickiest part of writing online is actually getting your voice heard by real people without paying for artificial users. Luckily, the Internet has some great content marketing solutions. Click Here to Read Article …

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Bad Bosses: They Cause More Than Just Headaches

Bad Bosses: They Cause More Than Just Headaches

Regardless if you work in a local chicken shack or a Fortune 500 company, a bad boss can ruin the entire experience for you single-handedly.

It doesn’t matter if you enjoy the work or not, a bad boss will seemingly go out of their way to undermine you at every step, undo a whole day’s work in the blink of an eye and sap the morale out of everyone they come across.

Even if the employee tries to make the best of it, dealing with a bad boss can become a tedious chore that never seems to end.

It has been cited that bad treatment from their boss and a hostile work environment are the number one reasons why employees leave. Click Here to Read Article …

Want to Seem Smart? Don’t Try

Want to Seem Smart? Don’t Try

Have you ever tried throwing in a few big words during a job interview or meeting in the hopes that it would make you seem smarter?

If you were lucky, your imaginative use of synonyms got you the job or earned you the respect of your coworkers.

But it’s more likely that you were left feeling slightly foolish and have since banished words like verisimilitude or pusillanimous from your everyday vocabulary.

So why is this?

Contrary to the popular notion that using bigger words can make us sound smarter, research shows that the more effort we put into looking smart, the less intelligent we’ll actually appear to those around us. Click Here to Read Article …