Displaying All Posts tagged with Social Media

How to Balance Your Internet Life with Your Real Life

Hi, I’m Carl, and I’m a blogger.

I really started blogging back in 1997 when I created an e-mail newsletter for the newspaper. I would start each daily e-mail with some personal insights then list the day’s headlines. I didn’t know it but it was blogging.

I thought I could quit whenever I wanted. But I kept posting updates. And that led to Facebook and Twitter accounts.

So now I’m very comfortable sharing personal aspects of my life with complete strangers. But some people I share my life with aren’t social media exhibitionists. They don’t blog, tweet, friend or check in. And they’re not thrilled to be part of my social networks by associations.

We talk a lot about balancing work and life. But how well do we balance internet life with real life? Do you need to keep your personal relationships quarantined? Here are some tips for achieving harmony:


On your first date, confess your blogging and social media habits. Your date needs to know that this may be the subject of a blog or Facebook update. Better yet, give them veto power. They need to be able to express discomfort and keep their private life private.


Set up ground rules with the people in your life. Understand what they don’t want revealed to the world.

Ask permission

No matter what the rules are, your friends and family will appreciate if you ask before you blog.

Create pseudonyms

Your personal life can have a lot impact on what you write. You can use personal anecdotes to add punch and protect the shy members of your life. Instead of using their names, identify them as “My Better Half” or “No. 1 Son.” Give them a little bit of cover.

Don’t ambush

We’ve all thought of the perfect comeback after losing an argument or point in a debate. Social media offers a chance to make that point after the fact. Which really isn’t fair. And don’t write anything you wouldn’t say to someone’s face.

Extend these courtesies to coworkers

Even if it’s totally professional, you want to consider the people at work and clients part of your private life. They may not appreciate reading about themselves in your blog or Facebook timeline. Ask.

Do you have rules to separate your real and social media lives? Click Here to Read Article …

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6 Keys to Finding a Job in the Internet Age

Technology has changed how most of us do our jobs. It’s also changed how we find jobs. The Internet allows us to find job listings all over the world.

But it does more than give us unlimited classifieds. It offers new ways to connect to people who are looking for candidates and for candidates to screw up the opportunity.

Don’t let it happen to you. Here are some concepts you need to master when it comes to finding a job using technology and the Internet. Click Here to Read Article …

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7 Tools to Automate Your Social Media Management

There seems to be two types of people who use social media: Those who use automation tools to multiply their presences across the Internet and those who think auto-anything is a sin against nature.

That may be simplifying things a little, but it’s not too far fetched.

As for me, I fall somewhere in between the extremes – and I’m betting I’m not alone. Sometimes we need some tools to help us manage all our social networks. I understand that using some tools is considered obnoxious behavior by some people. But it’s a free Internet. You make your choices and live with them.

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Burn Your Resume: Alternative Strategies to Get Your Dream Job

A dream job usually isn’t something conventional. Nor should your approach to getting hired. Have you ever thought of the whole resume process?  You spend many hours, and in some cases many dollars, creating – fabricating – a document for that your potential employer is going to probably dedicate less than 30 seconds to reading it.  Sure, there are going to be some occasions where they will read the whole resume because they are hoping to find that you have listed your hobbies, and you share a love of butterfly collecting.  But a happy coincident like that is a tad rare. Click Here to Read Article …

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The CV Toolkit – LinkedIn

In this second installment of The CV Toolkit, I’m going beyond the paper resumé and into something that’s emerging as a tool to find really awesome people and really awesome work.  I’m going to discuss the benefits of having a LinkedIn profile and keeping it updated.

What is LinkedIn?

“LinkedIn allows you to create a profile that summarizes your professional expertise and accomplishments. You can then form enduring connections by inviting trusted contacts to join LinkedIn and connect to you. Your network consists of your connections, your connections’ connections, and the people they know, linking you to a vast number of qualified professionals and experts.”

– LinkedIn’s About page

You’re going to use LinkedIn to land the job you really want so make sure you put forth not only the energy, but qualifications that are pertinent.  Nothing really outside of what you’re looking for should be in your profile.

LinkedIn provides you with a measuring stick to get your profile to where it needs to be to get the best results (i.e. adding connections, a photo, bio, work history, etc.) and once you’ve filled that stick then you need to keep nurturing it.  There are several third-party apps that work well with the service, and if you line everything up right you end up with zero communication loss between you and your profile.

The service is all about connecting with, collaborating with and commending others.  There’s a lot that goes into it – more that can be (should be) covered on a weekend read.  But, since it is the weekend there’s no time like the present to get a profile started or reinvigorate the one you’ve already established.  Go to it. Click Here to Read Article …

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Are You Quitting Facebook?

Facebook has its benefits.  It creates a connection of sorts, reconnects old friends and is an excellent social media tool.   But it is also a productivity killer when overused.  Between email, Twitter and Facebook you can seem to be doing a lot without really doing anything at all.

May 31st was designated as the day that everyone who was going to quit Facebook would band together do so.  Ideally, this would drive a point home that solidarity can make a huge impact (and some would say to get Facebook to think twice about privacy issues) on how the site goes forward.  Then again, it might just be that not many people know about the significance of the day at all…

So, have you quit Facebook?  Will you?  Are you going to be part of the crowd that does it en masse?  Tell us in the comments. Click Here to Read Article …

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5 Ways You Can Go Wrong with Social Media at Work

Social media is the greatest thing for the working class since the water cooler.

In a 10-minute break we can update our Facebook status, comment on our cousin’s photos and share links to new Muppet videos. But there are professional uses too. You can research solutions to problems, make new connections in your field and keep up with industry developments. There is a case to be made for using social media at work.

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Balancing Work And Social Media Addiction

So, you have a normal 9 to 5 job. You are also addicted to social media like FriendFeed, Twitter and the rest. How do you balance your activities so nothing really suffers?

The first thing you must do is figure out what type of commitment you want to make to your social media sites. You can pick a few of your favorite social sites to focus on. If your day job is sitting in a cube or corporate office somewhere, then you will need to limit your activity in some way. If you want to be like Robert Scoble or Louis Gray, you will have to give up some sleep to stay active on several sites.

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