Welcome to the special Halloween edition of awesome links. Happy Halloween! Click Here to Read Article …
Free and Online Photo Editing Software

While Adobe Photoshop is pretty much the standard software for the photo industry, you don’t need to go out and buy it for yourself if you want to manipulate your own images—especially if you’re not a professional photographer. There are handfuls of free and online photo editing software out there floating around the world wide web to choose from. I’ve created a short list of some of the best below. Click Here to Read Article …
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Stepcase Lifehack on Spending More Time with Kids
If you usually find yourself too busy to play that game of Scrabble with your kid that he has been wanting to play with you forever, or you’ve missed more parent-teacher meetings in the school than you can count, then it’s obvious that your kids are not getting the time and attention from you they deserve. Click Here to Read Article …
Popular search terms for this article:The Netsetter: SEO Writing Tip #3: Rock Your On-Page SEO
In the first installment in this series on SEO writing, we talked two things: why you need to be conscious of the keywords implicit in the topic of your article, and why you need to target that topic’s main keyword in your title tag. In the second installment, we talked about the meta description tag (not what most people refer to as the “meta tag”, which usually describes the tag for meta keywords). This time around, we’ll go over some on-page SEO factors that are too minor to discuss individually, but are collectively important to implement. We’ll also go over their relationship to off-page factors. Click Here to Read Article …
Popular search terms for this article:Favorite Quotes on Productivity: Ben Franklin, Paul J. Meyer and More

I’m a collector of funny or inspirational quotes. They’re great for tweeting or motivating, and as a writer, I appreciate other people’s ability to sum up key messages in as few words as possible. For a long time, I had the following quote by James Thurber scribbled on my whiteboard:
“Don’t get it right, just get it written.”
It was there to remind me to write now, perfect later. Click Here to Read Article …
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How to Get Motivated in the Morning
Do you find hard to motivate yourself at the start of your day? Ever want to start the day awesomely productive, but starting that first task seems daunting…so you procrastinate? Of course – we all have that problem at one point or another.
Well, you’re in luck, because you can start your day encouraged and motivated.
And the good news is it doesn’t involve any sort of wishy-washy new-age pap. It amounts to a pure practical principle preached positively (say that three times fast). Click Here to Read Article …
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Go to Meetings Prepared: 4 Survival Tips

The best way to go to meetings is to be prepared. No, I’m not talking about reading the agenda, doing “homework” or writing reports. I’m talking about some simple steps that will keep you in the game and save your sanity if the meeting goes bad.
I call these practices for effective meetings Carl’s Rules of Order: Click Here to Read Article …
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Does Multitasking Really Work?
Picture it: It’s Tuesday morning. You’re at your desk reading and replying to emails, participating in a conference call and looking over the report you need for that afternoon’s department meeting. While you’re focused on those tasks, your boss stops by and says he needs a summary of the new product your company is rolling out at next week’s press conference. Oh, and can you have it to him in an hour? And have you decided on the art for the product’s logo — which has been sitting on your desk since Friday because you haven’t had a chance to look over it?
Sound familiar? Click Here to Read Article …
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