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6 Steps to Building a Twitter Following

Twitter is an incredibly valuable tool for creating and maintaining a social network. It’s a great place to meet people, from potential business associates to new friends, but it can be difficult to get the hang of when you’re just getting started.

Twitter is deceptively simple to use. You can only type up to 140 characters, so it’s easy to think that it should be simple, but anyone who has tried knows that building a great, functioning social media network is more involved than that.

If you’ve ever wanted to get into Twitter but just had trouble figuring out all the moving parts, these tips might help you finally become a Twitter aficionado. Click Here to Read Article …

6 Tips for Writing Effective Email

Working as a member of the media in a town with only a few reputable publications, I receive a lot of email.  And most of the emails are from individuals or organizations that are hoping to receive something in return – space in our publication or at least assistance with spreading the word about something they are invested in.

While the majority of these requests come from people that mean well – and many have very worthy causes – the sheer volume of requests that I receive means I have to be diligent about filtering them.

For this reason I’ve become extremely picky about the way in which an email is constructed. If you’re looking to get your point across via email, here are six tricks of the trade that I’ve gathered from experience. Click Here to Read Article …

The 4 Personality Types: How to Appeal to Everyone

We are snowflakes—unique, special, no two of us the same. In the era of personalization, when shopping habits drive recommendations and your phone knows you as well as your family, uniqueness takes on added importance. Special people like us deserve and expect special attention for something as basic as building relationships, talking shop, or good old-fashioned interacting.

But how do you customize a conversation for every single person you know? A great place to start is by understanding personalities.

Studies have determined that there are four major personality types:

  • Assertive
  • Amiable
  • Expressive
  • Analytical

These personality types go by many different names (Competitive, Spontaneous, Humanistic, Methodical), acronyms (DISC), and even animals (Lion, Otter, Golden Retriever, Beaver). No matter how you label them, the four styles cover just about everyone. Your personality is likely one of the four or could be a blend of two or more. Click Here to Read Article …

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Top 5 Brainstorming Tips for Writers

Whether you’re writing fiction or non-fiction, culling personal experiences or synthesizing information from interviews or research, brainstorming is at the heart of any successful project.

I think of brainstorming not just as coming up with something, but as developing ideas from a single grain into a probing, insightful exploration of your subject matter.  Brainstorming can create the difference between an expected, average piece to something that adds true value by making the reader stop and think, or by revealing to her a different side of the topic.  Of course, brainstorming can also be absolutely necessary when you’re in a rut and unsure of how to get from A to C.

Over my eighteen (or so) years as a writer (of reviews, short stories, blog posts, e-books and product descriptions) I’ve developed many techniques for brainstorming, since I refuse to just sit and stare at a blank screen.  Here are five of my favorites.
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7 Secrets to Dealing with Difficult Customers

Regardless of the industry we work in, most of us, at one point or another, have had experiences dealing with difficult customers or clients.

For me this means fielding countless emails and phone calls from customers with unreasonable requests and constantly handling complaints for things that are entirely out of my control.

Pair the frustration of these things with a client or customer who is rude or overly demanding, and that can be a recipe for disaster – but only if I let it reach that point.

Instead, I’ve learned to follow a few simple rules in order to keep my sanity intact and keep those I’m dealing with feeling heard and satisfied with the results. The following are 7 tips on how to deal with difficult customers. Click Here to Read Article …

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Is Google+ Going to be Bigger than Facebook?

Is Google+ Going to be Bigger than Facebook?

It is hard to topple something that has been used with good results for so long. This is true either because consumers are afraid to try something unusual or because it is hard to imagine a life without it.

But somewhere along its dominance, a new player will give the old dog a run for its money. This is how social media users perceive the emergence of Google Plus as a formidable competitor against Facebook. But with the prominence of the latter still prevalent, is Google+ going to be bigger than Facebook. Click Here to Read Article …

6 Fast Proofreading Hacks for Perfect Writing Every Time

6 Fast Proofreading Hacks for Perfect Writing Every Time

Let’s face it: Proofreading is a mundane and boring task. You’ve just spent time pouring all your efforts into a piece of important writing and now you have to go back through it and nit-pick at it for grammar and punctuation flaws.

It’s tedious and tiring, but essential nonetheless. If you find yourselves whining at the thought of proofing a piece, follow the proofreading hacks below to get unstuck: Click Here to Read Article …

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Put an End to Over-Crowded Conference Rooms

One of the most embarrassing moments you can have during a meeting is forgetting the other person’s name, even more so after you’ve already been introduced. With conference calls, it’s especially challenging, because you cannot immediately put a name with a face.

Thankfully, the nature and function of conference calls is advancing, making it possible for business professionals to meet face-to-face virtually, without having to huddle in a conference room.

Aside from preventing the embarrassment of forgetting an important company icon and the claustrophobia that comes from over-crowded conference rooms, online voice and video conferencing sites and services have also revolutionized conference calls and business meetings. No more adhering to company travel requirements and logging mileage! Click Here to Read Article …