4 Ways to Write Your Resume Like a Pro

Today’s lives are characterized by so many activities that people complain of lack of enough time to do what’s important. With the ever contracting time, the smaller, often-considered-less-important jobs like editing and proofreading are neglected or done haphazardly, leaving a lot to be desired.

If the work is written, it could mean that the writers have no time to proof; they just do it and pass it along to the next desk which should clearly not be the case.

Writing a great resume does not mean you should follow the rules you hear through the grapevine. It does not have to be one page or follow a specific resume format. Every resume is a one-of-a-kind marketing communication.

It should be appropriate to your situation and do exactly what you want it to do. Instead of a bunch of rules and tips, we are going to cut to the chase in this brief guide and offer you the most basic principles of writing a highly effective resume.

Resume writers are trained professionals who use the recruiter’s or employer’s mindset to craft resumes. If you want to create resumes that have an impact like theirs, you too have to develop that mindset. This is no easy feat. It’s a laborious process that often intimidates and could delay the writing process for a while.

For most candidates, getting resumes right is a challenge. They are practically unable to state what their clear skills are for a given job vacancy — rather, they dwell on explaining useless daily tasks no is looking for. As such, if you want progress in your career as far as work applications go, you have to think like an employer. Here are some of the basics:

1. Clearly show what you do

The best way to showcase this is by determining the top 5 skills the employer is looking for in the perfect candidate. The thesis or purpose of your resume will be to leverage yourself as far as these skills go. For instance, if it’s a sales job, quota achievement, prospecting and closing techniques are the skills you would want to leverage. Once you have determined what the employer wants, don’t sway away.

2. Remove what’s irrelevant

Hiring managers have no time to go through resumes. To make up their minds, they choose whom to interview in an instant or a few seconds. They rarely read a resume in full. The more useless information there is in the resume, the less likely hiring managers will want to interview you.

The secret to hacking the code is making sure your resume has information that is relevant to the matters at hand. Do away with all the information that is useless. The less irrelevant material there is on your resume, the closer you get to the interview. Don’t include information that doesn’t offer much to the employer.

3. Market yourself

Many candidates don’t make an effort to market themselves to potential employers. In the end, they sell themselves short of their worth and this is detrimental to their progress. Every skill you add to the resume must resoundingly sell you to the employer.

To do this, you need to package every skill, experience or academic qualification as something the employer wants and is looking for.

According to most resume experts, most candidates are resumes have nothing to sell. They don’t have an impact on the reader and the effects of this could be catastrophic.

4. Look out for common mistakes

Most resumes make mistakes some of which are annoying. Avoidable ones like spelling, grammar, alignment, typos and punctuation are inexcusable. What is saddening is that, most employers will dump a good resume because the uncaring attitude toward grammar and spelling.

To create a resume like a pro, first get the above things right and then proofread thoroughly to get rid of the simple, yet costly mistakes.

How do you write your resume? Got pro tips to share?

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  1. Warren on the 15th February

    And stop trying to make a resume look like a resume.
    Having one that blends into the pile doesn’t help you no matter how qualified you are.
    Dare to stand out!

  2. Josh Tolan on the 15th February

    Great tips! Here’s another one: record a video resume! In addition to your traditional paper resume, your video resume can show off your qualifications, personality, and communication skills. Plus a video resume is likely to make you more memorable to hiring managers, which is essential in today’s overcrowded job market.

  3. N on the 26th February

    I find it extremely ironic that this entire article is laced with glaring spelling and grammatical errors. This is particularly offensive in section 4, which specifically discusses the importance of carefully checking what you’ve written for such mistakes. Case in point: “What is saddening is that, most employers dumb good resumes because of them.” What is saddening is articles like this, which reinforce this very sort of “lackluster” and rushed writing for those seeking help with their resumes. With poor examples like this being fed to us at every turn, it’s no wonder our generation can’t be bothered to get it right.

    • Pooja Lohana on the 26th February

      Hi Nicole,

      Thanks for pointing that out for us! You’re right. This one surely did have some glaring proofing errors that shouldn’t have been overlooked.

      All good now. Thanks for reading WorkAwesome! 🙂


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