Displaying All Posts tagged with work stress

Real Life Organizing

If you could see my desk you would be mortified. I have magazines, empty Diet Coke cans, and photos scattered everywhere. My computer screen is framed in sticky notes. I have a screwdriver and a couple of chapsticks around here somewhere…

Andy Rooney himself said that the messier the desk, the more productive the person. And I agree. I am very messy. And productive.

No one taught me how to organize. I do what is best for me—and it works. I can’t tell you how to best organize your workspace, but I can offer you some suggestions that have helped me be able to manage my workflow, which includes editing two monthly magazines, a yearly wedding magazine, social media outlets for all three, and whatever else gets thrown in my direction—including an intern or two. Click Here to Read Article …

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5 Novel Ways to Unwind from the Workweek

The weekends are a time when I need to get away from the rigors of a tough workweek.  Even though I oftentimes bring my work home with me, at least in my thoughts, I usually can separate my weekends from the work week.  Finding different and interesting activities to do on the weekend tends to invigorate me and adds a lot to the end of a long workweek.  Here is a brief list of some activities that work for me:

1. Take a Hike.

I have always been a nature lover and either climbing a mountain or just walking a trail on the weekend is a great way to relax and unwind from the workweek.  It is such a stark contrast from sitting in a cubicle and that is what makes it so enjoyable.

2. Visit a Farmers Market.

My wife and I are lovers of great food.  To make great food you need to start with fresh ingredients.  We oftentimes visit local farmers markets on the weekend where we get to see fresh produce from farms in the surrounding area.  You tend to pay a little bit more than the non-local produce in the supermarket but you are 1) supporting local farms and 2) purchasing the freshest produce you can get for your scrumptious nightly meal.

3. Try a new specialty drink.

These days, finding a recipe for a specialty alcoholic beverage is a few clicks away.  I love to explore the variety of different recipes that I can find for frozen margaritas, cosmopolitans, or, better yet, a drink that I have never even heard of.  Add some spice to your weekend and try something new.  It could even be a new wine from a local vineyard.  You’d be surprised at the quality of wines you can purchase from local vineyards, even if you don’t live in Napa or Sonoma.

4. Day Tripping.

As I write this article, I am on vacation.  This time I did not have anything planned, which was different from my typical vacation.  As a result, I was able to take day trips to unfamiliar locations.  Sometimes we just get stuck in the same routine and don’t explore surrounding areas that may be an hour drive from our home.  Venture out and explore your surroundings.  You may just find that it is a lot more interesting than you had assumed.

5. Visit your local library. Really!

OK this one may sound boring to most of you but recently I have really started to take advantage of my local library.  Until I actually checked it out, I didn’t realize that there are a multitude of movies and CDs available for free.  And don’t think that you can’t get the latest books to read.  I can even go online and check out books from my local library which makes it very convenient.

Weekends can go by very quickly but if you fill them with exciting and interesting activities you may find that, by the time Monday morning comes, you just may be ready to tackle the upcoming workweek.  At the same time, you may start planning what your upcoming weekend may entail. Click Here to Read Article …

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What Would You Do If You Were Let Go?

The economic situation is tough right now; it really hasn’t eased up much recently nor does it show signs of doing so anytime soon.  No matter how productive you may be at what you do, you may find yourself out of work if the proverbial “house of cards” at your place of employment comes tumbling down.

If that was to happen, are you prepared?  Regardless of how you feel your position stands in terms of security, you just never know – so it’s good to make sure you’re ready should the need arise.

But let’s take it one step further.

If your job was to disappear tomorrow, are you prepared to do something else instead?

What would you do if you were let go?  Would you simply move on, or re-create your work like in some form or another?  Would you go it alone?  Let us know in the comments. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Reasons To Check In With Human Resources

The Human Resources department isn’t just for resolving serious work-related conflicts – or for new employees. It’s a commonly overlooked resource for both happy and unhappy employees. It’s a shame that employees only visit HR when faced with a tense situation. After all, they are quite literally “at your service,” whether you’re in the middle of a catastrophe or enjoying a long string of productive workdays. Perhaps it’s time to visit that sleepy corner of the office to see what Human Resources can do for you. Click Here to Read Article …

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To Thrive or Survive – Working Under Pressure

Have you ever heard someone say that they “work best under pressure”? It sounds like such a positive thing to say about your work habits. But, what if instead of “working best under pressure” they mean that they work only when under pressure, or that they even require pressure to get any work done at all?

Suddenly, it doesn’t sound like such a great way to describe yourself. Do you want people to get the impression that they need to pressure you in order to get you to increase your productivity? If so, get ready for an unnecessarily stressful work experience.

Instead of claiming to “work best under pressure”, consider the opposite: Present yourself as a “self-starter” who needs no pressure, prodding, babysitting, or queuing of any kind to get their work done. The term “self-starter” is just as clichéd, but at least it’s not suggesting to your peers that they have to nag you nonstop to get your best efforts.

Now if you truly do thrive under pressure, then by all means seek it out. But if not, do yourself a favor and find a tactful way to say, “I can handle pressure, but I don’t require it to excel.” Click Here to Read Article …

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How Much Sleep Do You Need?

In order to be productive, you need to be well-rested.  Breaks are part of the equation, but you also need to make sure you’re getting enough sleep.  There are plenty of different ways of making sure you’re getting enough “shut eye.”

One method is napping.  When you were a kid you probably had enough of them, but there’s an impressive list of people who couldn’t have achieved what they did without them.  The power nap is a popular way to grab some much-needed sleep during the day and leave you recharged to tackle the rest of it.  But some of us don’t have the type of job that allows for “naptime.”  It’s unlikely your boss would be impressed if they saw you catching some z’s in your cubicle during your workday.

Even if you do manage to get some sleep in throughout the day, you still need to get a good night’s sleep to keep at your productive best.  Which begs the question:

“What is a good night’s sleep for you?”

How much sleep do you need to stay at the top of your game?  Are you getting the sleep you need?  Let us know in the comments…before you “hit the hay.” Click Here to Read Article …

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The Productivity Rule of Three

Being consistently productive is hard work and it takes a lot of discipline to maintain.  There are tasks and projects coming at you from colleagues.  We all run the risk of information overload thanks to websites, RSS feeds and – most recently – social media.  Even if you have a system in place there are times when it is going to seem impossible to keep up with everything.

So don’t.

If you can get three big things done per day (Leo Babauta refers to them as MITs or Big Rocks), then you’re winning.  You’ll most certainly handle little things here and there that you come across throughout your day – routine stuff – but if you decide that you must get three big things done every day, you’re being really productive.  Be sure to prioritize them accordingly, otherwise you’re going to be doing some tasks that may not move you forward as much as others might.  The mind works well with the number three.  Two seems easy and four seems a bit daunting, but three is like Baby Bear’s porridge…just right.

This isn’t anything new, of course. Productivity experts have been preaching this in some form or another for years.  We just tend to forget about it every once in a while.

So if you find that you’re getting caught up and your wheels start spinning, just roll up your sleeves and do three big things.  You’ll end up doing bigger things down the road if you do. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Take a Break

Knowing when to take a break is important, but a lot pf people don’t know how to take a break.   Some would say that surfing the internet for a few minutes between articles will do the trick.  Others profess that getting up and going for a walk fills the time nicely.  While these ideas may seem on track, that’s not entirely the case.

A break is defined in several ways, but the one we’re going to focus on is:

A pause or interval, as from work.

It’s important to remember that you really do need to press the “pause” button when you take a break.  That means if you work on a computer all day, you should get and get away from it during the break.  If you work inside, go outside.  If you work in solitude, find interaction of some sort.  A break should not only be that interval you take to get away from your work, but give you a chance to break the pattern you have while working.
How you take your break is just as important as when.  Do it right and you’ll come back recharged every time. Click Here to Read Article …
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