Displaying All Posts tagged with Job Search

How to Approach a Job Search After a Lay-off

How to Approach a Job Search After a Lay-off

It’s usually really easy to spot: the nervous jitters as he talks about his most recent position, the disdain he is clearly trying to hide about his supervisor or colleagues, the glossing over of the actual job conclusion.

By the time I ask, “so what prompted you to leave” or “what brings you in today,” I can almost recite the words that always include “laid-off”, “let go”, “downsizing”,  “bad manager”, etc.

As a career coach, I encounter a myriad of clients who have a gap in their employment history.  Typically these clients address this issue with me in one of two ways.

They either shy away from the topic (think example above) to avoid mentioning it until half way through the appointment  — after the resume review — or they bring it up immediately and we spend the better part of an hour talking about this event that has defined them for the past several months of their job search. Click Here to Read Article …

Employed? Your Job Search Isn’t Over Yet

Employed? Your Job Search Isn’t Over Yet

There once was a time when the job search was a rare circumstance. Professionals landed jobs with big-time companies straight out of college, polished industry skills by climbing the ranks within those companies, and eventually retired from the same companies after sitting pretty in corner offices. My, how times have changed.

According to Businessweek, the average American now changes jobs once every three years, and professionals under the age of 30 change jobs once a year. Professionals leaving companies may do so in search of better benefits or because they’re interested in making a career change. But in many cases, like Yahoo’s mass layoff of 2,000 of its workers back in April and Cisco’s recent announcement of 1,300 cuts, professionals aren’t leaving companies on their own free will. Click Here to Read Article …

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Top Three Mistakes that Keep You Unemployed

Top Three Mistakes that Keep You Unemployed

Technically, there are hundreds of ways to sabotage (literally) a job search campaign, but for the purpose of this discussion, I will restrict myself to three common mistakes most job seekers make that keep them unemployed.

Over the past few months, I have observed a steady and measurable increase in the number of candidates finding “meaningful” employment opportunities. This is certainly a refreshing change from the horrendous unemployment stories we have heard since the 2008 Financial Debacle. Though positive, the outlook for the economy is still volatile and everything that goes into a job search campaign must be perfected to the nth degree. Click Here to Read Article …

Give Your Job Application the Edge with an Online Profile

Give Your Job Application the Edge with an Online Profile

If you are in the process of looking for a job you’re probably already using all the traditional approaches: job application forms, CVs and résumés, covering letters and emails. But have you also thought about setting up a personal online profile with a website?

This not only shows potential employers that you understand digital media, it also offers you another opportunity to differentiate yourself from other jobseekers. At a time when the overall economic climate is less favorable this is even more important than ever. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Get a Job & Beat Unemployment

For the lucky ones, it’s only a matter of days whereas for others, it may take years to figure out how to get a job. Being unemployed is a crushing experience — something nearly everyone experiences at some point in their lives.

People may think they’re doing enough to aid their job search when in fact they could be doing a lot more. There are numerous ways to further your search, potentially shortening the time spent unemployed and increasing your chances of landing a full time job, some of which are explained below. Click Here to Read Article …

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5 Quick Resume Tips for Job Search

If you think that your resume is just one small part of your job search, you’re missing out on a lot. Thanks to its versatility, this document can serve as an awesome job search hack tool with these resume tips.

You already attach your resume to the emails you send to employers, but how else can you use it in your job search? Consider these five ways your resume can be working harder for you and your job search: Click Here to Read Article …

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The Real Reason a Recruiter Isn’t Calling Back

The Real Reason a Recruiter Isn’t Calling Back

Have you experienced the frustration of a job search or tried seeking the attention of a recruiter?

If you’re looking for a job, you’ve probably encountered a million articles and how-to tips about how to dress at interviews, or the right way to format your resume.

The truth is, however, that the majority of them are missing the point. They’re addressing the problem of how to land the job after you’ve already gotten a call back.

The Myth of Equality

Many companies and the job boards behind them paint an idyllic picture of how recruitment works. They would often have you believe that the world is an utterly fair place and they evaluate each candidate on the basis of their skills and history. If this were true, your resume would have as much chance as any other person. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Use LinkedIn to Find a New Job

So you’re looking for a new job? Good for you.

Before you make an appointment with a headhunter or waste too much time searching online job boards, check out LinkedIn. Really. It’s more than just another social network. It’s a powerful job-search tool. They have a pretty good section on how to find a job with LinkedIn. Here are a few features that will help you: Click Here to Read Article …

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