Displaying All Posts from May, 2012

From Careerist to Caregiver: Raising Children with Special Needs

Raising Children with special needs

When I got pregnant with my first child, I was determined to be an amazing parent while still maintaining a fulfilling career. After all, with a child on the way, my income would be vital. My plan was to take three months off and then get a nanny part-time. Fortunately, my mother also offered to assist by watching over her new granddaughter two days a week.

However, I soon found out that despite my best-laid plans, things could quickly go awry. My beautiful baby was born with special needs. While my motherly instincts kicked in and guided me through many of the initial challenges, nothing could quite prepare me for all of the difficulties of raising a child with disabilities. Particularly, as a single mother. Click Here to Read Article …

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Can Good Looks Get You the Job?

In today’s job market, it is worth considering every advantage one can muster in order to increase one’s chances of landing a job. Study after study on factors considered by potential employers has indicated that one of the characteristics that is most valued and considered by employers is the level of confidence in the job candidate.

It is a simple fact of life that looking more confident can increase one’s chances of success, as people appear to be naturally drawn to people who exude confidence; this may be the reason behind the oft quoted maxim “fake it till you make it.” What may also be true is that having a good looks and physical appearance may lead to people having more confidence when they apply to jobs in any field, and that greater confidence may also translate into greater odds at landing a given job. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Follow Your Passion — It’s More than a Fruit

In a recent TV interview, health advocate Dr. Mehmet Oz shared that in a survey of 1.2 million people about health habits, 95% of the healthiest people in the survey made a habit of taking time for themselves.

Taking time to follow your passions and things you love to do is not just a “nice” thing anymore. It’s necessary for overall health and well-being. The benefits to our lives stretch beyond just health. Pursuing our passions (either at work or in our free time) can have direct impact on our productivity and happiness. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Set Goals

For years I was a mentor in a teen mentoring program, and at the beginning of every semester we’d set goals. This was one of the hardest meetings of the year – attendance was poor, the kids were unruly, and there was a higher-than-usual level of whining going on.

It was a challenge, because the kids always wanted to set goals like get “straight A’s”, even though most of them were lucky to have a C average. And then as soon as we asked them what they were going to do differently to change the outcome, the conversation got really awkward. Click Here to Read Article …

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Top 7 Things to Create More Freedom in Your Business

Freedom in your business

Over a period of time a business ceases to be a passion and turns into a burden for many business owners. This is because giving more time is mistaken as a sign of greater commitment but in reality, it sucks all the freedom in your business. There are ways through which you can streamline your business processes to get more out your efforts in terms of the work done and the revenues collected.

Before you set out to do this, it is important for you to acknowledge the problem. Diligence is called for in business, but so is efficiency. You need not give hours of your time to an activity when you know there are better ways to handle it. Here is how you can earn more freedom in your business and enjoy your work more rather than feeling tied down. Click Here to Read Article …

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5 Proven Tactics to Increase Your Productivity

increase your productivity

A search on Amazon.com for books on Productivity returns 45,960 titles. If you’re having trouble being productive at work you may find it difficult to make the time to read a book on productivity cover to cover.

For that reason, I’m going to share with you 5 proven tactics that you can start implementing today that WILL enable you to increase your productivity and help you to get more done.

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5 Ways to Posture Yourself for an Internet Job

Internet job

If the only jobs that were left on Earth were Internet jobs based on Internet applications, would you be able to get hired? This a question more and more job applicants are asking themselves. One of the biggest job growth sectors is online, where e-commerce sites, Internet magazines, social networks, online retailers, and SEO agencies are tapping into one of the most important inventions since the printing press.

Increasingly, job applicants are looking online for jobs and searching Internet forums in order to find a career. Hiring managers are using the Internet for their own recruiting purposes. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are all being utilized for business growth and career development simultaneously.  Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Gain More Followers on Twitter

As a community manager, I spend a significant part of my day on Twitter. That is where I get my news, where I decide what community events I’ll be attending and how I hear about certain movers and shakers I should be paying attention to.

For me, and a large portion of the population, Twitter is quickly becoming a one-stop-shop for information pertaining to both my personal and professional life.

So, as you might have guessed, having a noticeable presence and gaining more followers on Twitter can do wonders for any business — whether it is an entrepreneur on a solo venture or a company with 100+ employees. In fact, it’s one arena where both operations can find themselves on an equal playing field. Click Here to Read Article …

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