How to Follow Your Passion — It’s More than a Fruit

In a recent TV interview, health advocate Dr. Mehmet Oz shared that in a survey of 1.2 million people about health habits, 95% of the healthiest people in the survey made a habit of taking time for themselves.

Taking time to follow your passions and things you love to do is not just a “nice” thing anymore. It’s necessary for overall health and well-being. The benefits to our lives stretch beyond just health. Pursuing our passions (either at work or in our free time) can have direct impact on our productivity and happiness.

Wondering how to jump off the “hamster wheel” of life to pursue your passions? Here are a few tips:


Do you ever fantasize about what you’d do if time and money were unlimited? Take a few minutes to write these dreams down. What would you do? Travel? Make a special purchase? Volunteer at your favorite charity?

Look at your list for cues on where your passions are. Maybe you won’t be able to buy that classic roadster to park in your own driveway but you could attend a local car show or browse through a collector’s magazine. Perhaps the 7-day Caribbean cruise isn’t a possibility but a day-cruise on your city’s local waterway will give you a great relaxing day on the water. Look for ways to pursue your passion in baby steps.

Take Back Your Time

Many people don’t pursue their passion because they say they don’t have the time. According to a Nielsen ratings study,the average American watches 38.5 hours of television every week! Another time black hole for many folks – Facebook. The average user spends more than 11 hours per month on Facebook (Bureau of Labor Statistics, June 2010 & Facebook Press Room, 2011). With 93% of Internet users on Facebook, we know that means a lot of you!

If keeping up with your favorite shows or looking at your friend’s family vacation photos are your passions, great! Enjoy that outlet. But if you find yourself sitting in front of the TV or your computer out of laziness and boredom, consider taking back that time and investing it in your passion. Take a class, join a club or volunteer for an organization where you can pursue what you love.

Invest in Your Passion

Making a time or financial commitment is a great way to hold yourself accountable to pursuing your passions. Even small purchases can be a great inspiration.

If you’re a gardener, maybe it’s a new pair of gardening gloves. If fitness is your passion, perhaps it’s signing up for a race or event where you will have to commit to putting in the time to train. The financial commitment doesn’t need to be huge, but when you’ve put some money in, you will likely be more inclined to put some time in to pursing that passion as well.

How do you follow your passion? Got more tips to share?


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Bethanne Kronick is passionate about helping busy people find productivity, balance and well-being in the workplace and in life! Bethanne is a speaker, productivity strategist and consultant working to empower people — helping them learn new habits and behaviors so their lives reflect what’s truly important to them. Bethanne’s clients make positive, long-term changes, whether it’s managing stacks of paper, overflowing email boxes, busy schedules, cluttered space, or facing life’s greater challenges. Find out more about Bethanne and her company, SIMPLIFY! at


  1. ArunRaj on the 23rd May

    yep.its more than a fruit 🙂

    • Bethanne on the 26th May

      Thanks for taking the time to read the article. Here’s to living a full, passionate life!

  2. 梁文竑 on the 23rd May

    In my opinion, this article, he said, in their daily lives, we often unwittingly waste of time if you can understand the goals and dreams, will be able to save a lot of time, also make life more meaningful living. Make the best use of their time, will bring more benefits for themselves.

    • Bethanne on the 25th May

      Thanks for your comment. Yes– as you reiterated– living in our passions as well as making the most of our time will make for a happier, more successful life! Enjoy!

  3. I really like your dream storm. I have never had an unlimited amount of money but I do dream.

    What I have found to be fun is try other cultures.

    I try to make it a goal to try at least one different culture a month. Trying different cultures can be knowledgeable and rewarding. Most ethnic people will be glad to share their culture with you.

    • Bethanne on the 25th May

      Thank you for sharing, Michael. Dreaming is the best! There are no limits to dreams…

      What a great idea trying different cultures to expand your horizons. There is so much to learn from people who you might not connect with otherwise, isn’t there?!

  4. Jess Randall on the 24th May

    The day to day demands of life do take over and there is no doubt the people who are “happiest” with their lives are those who take action to pursue their dreams. I fully agree with your comments on dream storming and taking back your time, without either of these components the “dream” becomes a distant yearning of what could have been.

    • Bethanne on the 28th May

      Hi Jess–
      Thanks for your thoughts! It’s definitely the “could haves” and “should haves” that can get in our way… It’s up to each of us to make the choice to have time for our dreams and passions…

  5. jesstine on the 29th May

    Hi Bethanne …

    hahaha Its really a fruit, 🙂

    But your right it on the beholder on how the individuals handle it.
    But your article is cute..I have enjoy reading it.

    Keep it up 🙂

    • Bethanne on the 2nd June

      Thanks, Jesstine, for your comments. Glad you enjoyed the article.



  6. Warren on the 29th May

    Ironically my “dreamstorm” would be doing exactly what I’m doing now, only more of it, and with more freedom. I’m building a business that I love, and even when it’s uber-successful (that is a word right? 🙂 I’ll keep wanting to continue, perhaps on a larger scale though and with plenty of vacations in the middle! 🙂

    • Bethanne on the 2nd June

      Way to go, Warren!

      I LOVE hearing from people that are truly living their passions! Good for you for being aware of your dreams and for the continued growth you are pursuing! Good luck to you!



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