Displaying All Posts from December, 2012

9 Ways to Increase Efficiency in Your Company

Increase Efficiency

In order to reach their goals, some businesses ask their employees to work longer hours. While this is necessary in some cases, you may consider an alternative approach: finding ways to be more efficient with the time you have. Smart work can increase productivity more than hard work. Regardless of your businesses product or service, there are many ways to increase efficiency.

Consider the following 9 points: Click Here to Read Article …

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Why Ergonomics Matter

As an office worker, you require spending long hours sitting in a chair at a desk. If you are big or tall you already know not all office chairs are created equally. If required to sit in a chair designed for someone half your weight or height this is going to result in health issues. It’s time to invest in an ergonomically designed chair for your particular size and height.

What is Ergonomics?

When a chair or any piece of furniture or equipment is ergonomically designed it means it was created with thought of the human body and how the body works. This type of chair reduces strain on the neck, back, shoulder, arms, legs and hips. The chair is able to adjust to your one of a kind physical structure so you don’t end up a stiff, sore, aching mess at day’s end.

Ergonomics is the science of creating a job to fit the worker and not forcing the worker to fit the job. This includes paying attention to environment factors that can negatively impact vision, health, comfort and hearing. It also takes into account the physical stresses placed on a person’s muscles, joints, tendons, nerves and bones when they are doing a specific job. Click Here to Read Article …

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Ten Innovative Solutions to Optimize Your Workspace

Are you tearing your hair out looking for lost papers or supplies in your workspace? Is every nook and cranny of your office or cubicle crammed full of stuff? If so, it’s probably time to make some changes. Not only does this situation reduce your productivity, it can also add unnecessary stress to your daily work routine.

Of course, you might be able to solve this problem by simply getting rid of the items you don’t need, but this is not always as easy as it sounds. In fact, if you’re an ‘office hoarder’, this can be nearly impossible! Fortunately, for those of us who can’t let go, there are easier alternatives. Instead of tossing everything out, just add more storage space and optimize your workspace. Click Here to Read Article …

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6 Tips for Dealing with Client Conflict

Client Conflict

If there’s one thing you can count on when it comes to client conflict, it’s this: Conflict happens. And while it probably won’t happen often, learning how to deal with and resolve conflicts is just a part of doing business.

Handling business disputes is a delicate art. Do it the right way, and you will prove to your client that you’re attentive, dedicated, and capable ─ all traits he or she should find desirable for a continued relationship. But handle it poorly, and the result could spell disaster for an important partnership. Click Here to Read Article …

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Why Collaborative Business Planning Is Key to Your Success

Collaborative Business Planning

Collaborative business planning with partners is one of the most effective ways to drive revenue. It is the foundation of partner engagement. It’s really that simple. That which gets written down, gets done!

But remember, the best plans are collaborative. If you simply had out quotas, the results are only going to be dismal for the relationship, and potentially for your business as a whole. Instead, take the time at the beginning to work with partners, developing a plan that works for everyone. Click Here to Read Article …

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3 Ways to Make Sure You Don’t Lose Your Work

Don’t Lose Your Work

This post is brought to you by BestBackups who review backup services.

If you’ve never experienced losing your work to some technical error, then count yourself lucky. Many times I’ve tried and tried to recover some sort of work I’ve lost on the computer, whether it was an accidental human error on my part, or a full blown hard drive failure. Backing up in today’s world is essential to ensure you don’t lose your work, as more and more of our work is on computers.

But what is the best way to do this? There are several options, and I will list the 3 main categories here. Click Here to Read Article …

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5 Small Business Insurance Mistakes to Avoid

business insurance

Running a small business takes literally a 24-hour effort, seven days a week, along with a dedicated employee and customer base.

So, what happens when you, the business owner, make a mistake or two? Can it cost you the business you worked so hard to construct in the first place? It all of course depends on the mistake; some prove costlier than others.

Take obtaining the wrong small business insurance, something that can be more common than you may think. When that happens, small business owners can be on the outside looking in when it comes to staying ahead of their expenses. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Stop Your Internal Resistance to Change

It was that new computer system at work. Everyone had been talking about it for a while and it also seemed that everyone had their opinion about it.

Management’s view was that this system was going to help every employee to do their work much faster and the general productivity level would increase. In addition, since certain tasks would be automatized, there would be less chance for human errors.

However, the employees weren’t that sure that this new system would help them much in their daily tasks. According to them, it would generate even more work, which would force the employees to work overtime. Click Here to Read Article …

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