Displaying All Posts tagged with time management

Lunch Vacation: 5 Ways to Fully Enjoy Your Break

In today’s economy, more and more people are trying to save money and be more responsible with their finances. One of the easiest ways to do this is to bring a bag lunch to work instead of going out to eat.

Now, if you’re like me, you’d rather not spend your lunchtime gabbing with the office gossip goose or even worse, work through your lunch break. So, what other things are there to do?

Luckily, there are lots of options to help pass the time and make your lunch the relaxing mid-day break it’s supposed to be.

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8 Ways to Kick Distractions Out Of Your Office

One of the nicest things about working in an office is your co-workers. Having other people around to talk to and work alongside can make working more enjoyable, and make tedious things seem not quite as bad.

Sometimes, though, you’ve got work that requires your full attention. For me, it’s usually the editing phase of an article I’m about to turn in – I need to be fully engaged, paying complete attention, for an hour or so to make sure the article is perfect. Trouble is, co-workers aren’t always so good at knowing when you need some solitude, and unwelcome distractions are a staple of anyone who tries to actually do work.

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