As an office worker, you require spending long hours sitting in a chair at a desk. If you are big or tall you already know not all office chairs are created equally. If required to sit in a chair designed for someone half your weight or height this is going to result in health issues. It’s time to invest in an ergonomically designed chair for your particular size and height.
What is Ergonomics?
When a chair or any piece of furniture or equipment is ergonomically designed it means it was created with thought of the human body and how the body works. This type of chair reduces strain on the neck, back, shoulder, arms, legs and hips. The chair is able to adjust to your one of a kind physical structure so you don’t end up a stiff, sore, aching mess at day’s end.
Ergonomics is the science of creating a job to fit the worker and not forcing the worker to fit the job. This includes paying attention to environment factors that can negatively impact vision, health, comfort and hearing. It also takes into account the physical stresses placed on a person’s muscles, joints, tendons, nerves and bones when they are doing a specific job. Click Here to Read Article …
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