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Tips for Working Efficiently from Home

The global economic environment has changed significantly with the rapid growth of the Internet.

One of the most fascinating new possibilities is that some people are now able to use the Internet to enable them to work from home. Understandably that is a very appealing dream for many, given that you would eradicate droll early morning commutes, but it is not without difficulty for those that attempt such a career path.
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How to Interview after Addiction Recovery

Interviews are hard enough even for the most unblemished candidate. However, if you have a history of drug or alcohol abuse behind you and have spent time at a rehabilitation center, you may be concerned that your work history and your resume gaps make you an unlikely candidate for future jobs.

While it is certainly something that employers will notice, an incident involving drug or alcohol abuse doesn’t have to become the focal point of your job interviews.

Here are some tips to help you overcome your fears and ace your next interview:

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How to Save Money and Still Keep Your Employees Happy

As any boss will know, there’s a fine line between being frugal and tight-fisted. Whether you own your own business or you’re simply in charge of a budget and a camp of hard-working employees, you’ll undoubtedly want to appear generous without compromising your money saving strategy.

It can be a tricky balance to manage — after all, not everyone has the budget to create a Google-esque office oasis — however there are ways to encourage a harmonious working environment and keep costs under control at the same time.

From simple mood enhancers to long-term perks, by increasing happiness levels, work satisfaction and productivity, you could even end up making more money in the long run. Here are a few handy hints and tips on how! Click Here to Read Article …

4 Ways to Stay Anonymous & Hide Your Identity Online

4 Ways to Stay Anonymous & Hide Your Identity Online

Even if you aren’t doing anything illegal, your privacy is important and, at times, calls for hiding your identity online.

It’s a bit difficult to do this on the internet, since everything is recorded in cookies and your IP address when you browse, in fact companies like Facebook and Google openly admit to tracking what you do online so they can market to you. So what can you do? Click Here to Read Article …

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Entrepreneurial Ideas for Spring

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” ~W. H. Murray

Entrepreneur (or “to undertake”) is a French word that in the business world means to “start a business”. Let spring be the time to start executing that new idea that’s been at the back of your mind. Whether it’s a new way to generate revenue with an existing business or it’s a new business venture altogether it could bloom into something unimaginable.

For Existing Businesses

Newsletters, e-mail campaigns, and more. Generating a continuous pool of loyal customers is a lot of work, but it is rewarding when it pays off. Finding new ways to reach new prospects is key in order to keep up with the competition. Being able to have constant contact with your customers and prospects alike is imperative which is why data mining is so important to your business. Anytime you are able to get contact (or other) information from your clientele, get it. This enables you to implement a drip marketing campaign that will help keep business alive if you use it properly and never abuse it. Click Here to Read Article …

Part Time Work: Benefits for Mothers

Part time work is a great option for those that have other commitments.  This could be a hectic social life, family to care for or young children to look after.

Part time work allows for a lot more flexibility, as it doesn’t require you to be somewhere 9 till 5 every day of the week.

Many part time jobs are in fact quite flexible and allow those that embark on them to work in the hours that fit around their current existing schedules.

This is a great option for mums as they can work around the lives and schedules of their children.  For example they can still be there to take the children to school and still be home in time to hear all about the events of the day!  A 9 till 5 job would not allow for this as usually the employee would have to leave earlier than the children to beat the rush hour traffic and wouldn’t be home till after them, again due to the traffic or a maybe a meeting that ran on longer than it should have done.

Many part time jobs, however, may begin before office and school hours, meaning you are still there to take your children to school and still available to pick them up in the evening.

Part time work is also a great option for those who study.  We all need a little extra income and those that study may need it even more in order to cover their course fees.  Try to look for a part time job that benefits your studies and lies in the same field, as this will work well on your CV when it comes to the end of the education period and those involved wish to dive into a fulltime career.

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