Displaying All Posts by Mike Vardy

Producteev Two is a Sequel Worth Checking Out

Yesterday was the launch of latest offering in web-based productivity software solutions, Producteev Two.  The system takes all of your (and, if applicable, you team’s) tasks and puts them into one place where they can managed and tracked accordingly.  I’ve had some time to play around with the beta release of the product and am quite impressed with the look, feel and ease of use of this pretty powerful tool.  Oh, and you can do pretty much everything without even going to their website. Click Here to Read Article …

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What Books Help You Be Productive?

There are numerous self-development and productivity titles out there to choose from.  Starting with works by David Allen (Getting Things Done, Making It All Work) to Stephen Covey (The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, The 8th Habit) to Neil Fiore (The Now Habit), there are different viewpoints and models that you can refer to when looking to increase your  productivity.

Some books you may have read may just inspire you to be more productive or are particular to your passion (Twyla Tharp’s The Creative Habit would be an example).

What books have you read that helped you out?  What authors inspire you to improve?  What books would you like to read that could help you even more?  Let us know in the comments. Click Here to Read Article …

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The Midweek Manifesto

You’ve just passed the middle of the week.  No time like the present to take a look at what you’ve done and what you have to get done.  Here’s a short note I like to call The Midweek Manifesto:

My mission is to reflect on the beginning of the week, see what I’ve not done and reboot it and see what I’ve done and celebrate it.  Looking forward I will take what’s left to be done and do it and with the rest of my plans I will stand firm.  I’ll add tasks as I need and make sure that I heed my own voice that tells me, “I must get to complete.”

It may sound a bit cheesy but it works for me.  I’m not suggesting you use this example, but just keep in mind your week is past the halfway mark.  Don’t let it get away from you. Click Here to Read Article …

Just Released – Producteev Two

Producteev Two, a web-based task management solution hit the “virtual shelves” today and it is the latest addition to the many productivity tools that can be utilized by individuals or teams.  The aim of these types of applications is to get you out of managing your tasks from your email inbox and put them in a system that will enable you to manage them more efficiently and effectively.

I’ve had the opportunity to play around with the beta version of Producteev Two and will be posting a more comprehensive overview of the system tomorrow.  In the meantime, you can sign up here – it’s free for individuals to try (with some limitations – albeit none that really cripple the product) and put it through the paces yourself.

(You can also let them know what you think of it by sending them a reply via Twitter – they’re @producteev.) Click Here to Read Article …

Breaking Bad Habits

Habits aren’t always bad, but the word just seems to conjure up thoughts of things that aren’t particularly good for us.  There are “challenges” all over the web that try to help you break these habits but there are also those that try to instill good ones.  These challenges can come with weekly or monthly timelines (such as 30 Days of Creativity or the Jerry Seinfeld-inspired Don’t Break The Chain), and even make you accountable to not just yourself but others as well (The Power of Less Challenge would be an example of this).

What bad habit would you like to break?  What good habit would you like to begin?  Let us know in the comments. Click Here to Read Article …

3 Tips to Better Notetaking

As your day progresses, you need to stay on top of new things that come your way while keeping yourself focused on working through the stuff already on your plate.  That’s where good notetaking skills come into play.  (If you’re not already taking notes, you need to start.  Seems obvious, but some people just don’t take notes at all – and their productivity suffers as a result.)

Here’s 3 ways to get you taking – and making – better notes:

  1. Use shorthand that you understand. The art of shorthand is somewhat lost thanks to digital voice recorders and email, but when you do use a pen and paper to jot stuff down, don’t be too articulate or long-winded.  You’re using these as reference points, not handing them in as-is.  Speed up the process by using shorthand that you understand so you can expand upon them when you’re got the time to do so.
  2. Use software. There’s a wide range of software solutions for this.  Some sync with your computer and mobile device, some take your voice and turn it directly to text.  It’s nice to have a central place where all of your notes can be in case you ever need to refer to them as well.  While it may not be your primary notetaking method, it’s not a bad idea to have it handy regardless.
  3. Transfer them to your productivity system regularly. Notes on their own are not enough.  You need to categorize them and integrate them with the items already built into your productivity system of choice.  Otherwise they’re just going to end up out of your mind and, ultimately, out of your control.

Taking notes at all is the first step.  Better notetaking comes from wanting to give them more value when it comes to your path to being more productive. Click Here to Read Article …

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How Much Sleep Do You Need?

In order to be productive, you need to be well-rested.  Breaks are part of the equation, but you also need to make sure you’re getting enough sleep.  There are plenty of different ways of making sure you’re getting enough “shut eye.”

One method is napping.  When you were a kid you probably had enough of them, but there’s an impressive list of people who couldn’t have achieved what they did without them.  The power nap is a popular way to grab some much-needed sleep during the day and leave you recharged to tackle the rest of it.  But some of us don’t have the type of job that allows for “naptime.”  It’s unlikely your boss would be impressed if they saw you catching some z’s in your cubicle during your workday.

Even if you do manage to get some sleep in throughout the day, you still need to get a good night’s sleep to keep at your productive best.  Which begs the question:

“What is a good night’s sleep for you?”

How much sleep do you need to stay at the top of your game?  Are you getting the sleep you need?  Let us know in the comments…before you “hit the hay.” Click Here to Read Article …

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The Productivity Rule of Three

Being consistently productive is hard work and it takes a lot of discipline to maintain.  There are tasks and projects coming at you from colleagues.  We all run the risk of information overload thanks to websites, RSS feeds and – most recently – social media.  Even if you have a system in place there are times when it is going to seem impossible to keep up with everything.

So don’t.

If you can get three big things done per day (Leo Babauta refers to them as MITs or Big Rocks), then you’re winning.  You’ll most certainly handle little things here and there that you come across throughout your day – routine stuff – but if you decide that you must get three big things done every day, you’re being really productive.  Be sure to prioritize them accordingly, otherwise you’re going to be doing some tasks that may not move you forward as much as others might.  The mind works well with the number three.  Two seems easy and four seems a bit daunting, but three is like Baby Bear’s porridge…just right.

This isn’t anything new, of course. Productivity experts have been preaching this in some form or another for years.  We just tend to forget about it every once in a while.

So if you find that you’re getting caught up and your wheels start spinning, just roll up your sleeves and do three big things.  You’ll end up doing bigger things down the road if you do. Click Here to Read Article …