Displaying All Posts tagged with advancement

25 Examples of Super Creative Resume Design

In today’s job market, it sometimes takes a little extra ingenuity to get noticed. We’ve heard of people printing their resume on florescent paper, sending baked goods along with a cover letter, even buying online ads or renting billboards to promote themselves. While we don’t always recommend such extreme approaches (read up on Aleksey Vayner’s “Nothing is Impossible” video resume to see why), we have to admire the creativity of these 25 resume designs: Click Here to Read Article …

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The Productivity Rule of Three

Being consistently productive is hard work and it takes a lot of discipline to maintain.  There are tasks and projects coming at you from colleagues.  We all run the risk of information overload thanks to websites, RSS feeds and – most recently – social media.  Even if you have a system in place there are times when it is going to seem impossible to keep up with everything.

So don’t.

If you can get three big things done per day (Leo Babauta refers to them as MITs or Big Rocks), then you’re winning.  You’ll most certainly handle little things here and there that you come across throughout your day – routine stuff – but if you decide that you must get three big things done every day, you’re being really productive.  Be sure to prioritize them accordingly, otherwise you’re going to be doing some tasks that may not move you forward as much as others might.  The mind works well with the number three.  Two seems easy and four seems a bit daunting, but three is like Baby Bear’s porridge…just right.

This isn’t anything new, of course. Productivity experts have been preaching this in some form or another for years.  We just tend to forget about it every once in a while.

So if you find that you’re getting caught up and your wheels start spinning, just roll up your sleeves and do three big things.  You’ll end up doing bigger things down the road if you do. Click Here to Read Article …

The CV Toolkit – Resume Templates

Keeping your credentials up-to-date is crucial.  In the ever-changing job market (and world, for that matter), it’s important to keep on top of what skills and experience you have acquired.  It may seem onerous, but there are ways to do it quickly, easily and consistently – you can maintain both your productivity and resumé with the right tools.  That’s where WorkAwesome comes in. Click Here to Read Article …

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The Rock Solid Reflection Plan

One of the best ways – some would say the only way – to keep tabs on where you’re at and where you’re headed in terms of being productive is by looking back on where you’ve been.  It’s challenging to do this regularly.  Really challenging.  What’s more is that many people don’t do it at all.  Doing this (or, rather, not doing this) is a recipe of mediocrity…or even organizational disaster.

All that aside, you can do this.  You can review, reflect, revisit…whatever you’d like to call it…and you can do it regularly.  I’m not going to outline what this consists of – there’s many different ways to do it and not one particular method works for everyone unilaterally.  What I can do is present to you a plan on how to make sure you get to the act of doing it. Click Here to Read Article …

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Why Being A “Jack Of All Trades” Works

In the workplace of yesterday, most jobs existed as a fixed set of clear-cut, unchanging duties. Rarely did the nature of the work vary, and in many cases a worker’s ability to repeat the same exact process and produce identical results was commended. Just ask an assembly-line worker or a railroad builder if “outside-the-box thinking,” or “creative innovating” was welcome in their workplace. They’d probably tell you that “thinking outside the box” is more likely to result in a factory-wide meltdown or a train wreck than a pat on the back or a promotion. Click Here to Read Article …

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So You Think You’re Ready For Management? Think Again.

So a great management position has just come your way and you’d love that new title — not to mention the salary bump. But, before you rush to submit your application think long and hard about whether you have not only the right skills, but also the right personality for the job — especially if the managerial position you’re interested in includes supervising others.

No matter how good that pay increase may sound or how impressive the title may be, understand that not everyone is cut out for management. Sure, you may have been with at the company for several years now and you may have mastered the skill set required for your current position. But that still doesn’t necessarily qualify you for management. Being an effective manager requires a set of interpersonal skills and personality traits that may not be required for your current position.

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Why Complaining Doesn’t Work

“I hate to be a kicker, I always long for peace, but the wheel that does the squeaking is the one that gets the grease.”

The above is the actual quote (often commonly stated as “the squeaky wheel gets the grease”) attributed to American humorist Josh Billings. It’s from his poem “The Kicker” describing his frustration with being polite and not getting his way with the authorities. A kicker, by the way, is also known by a more common name: a complainer.

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Internal Hiring: How to Be the Right Candidate

You’ve been with your company for a little while now. You’re great at your job but you’re thinking you could use a little more challenge. Or change. Or both. You’ve invested some time with this company and you like the culture, the business, and the benefit plan. But there’s still something missing. You don’t want to leave and start again at a new company, so what are your options?

You can settle and just keep doing the same job, hoping for opportunities to pop up to stimulate you or your career, or you can be proactive, and look at other departments and try working with them. This gets you the benefit of starting a new job with the security of staying within a company that you already love. No, this isn’t the same as dating your ex-wife’s sister just because you love the family – that’s a different article altogether. This is more like finding the right fit for you and your development. Maybe a better (or worse) analogy is thinking that any piece of the jigsaw can be made to fit – but it might not look quite right, and it’s usually not that good for the puzzle, especially the puzzle piece. If you know you aren’t fitting in quite right, it’s your responsibility to find where you belong.

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