Displaying All Posts tagged with cover letter

How to Write a Cover Letter That Gets Noticed

great cover letter

The cover letter you submit along with your résumé isn’t just a throwaway; it’s an extremely important part of your job application.

Your cover letter provides a great opportunity to make your case directly to the hiring manager.

Take advantage of this opportunity by customizing your cover letter for each job application.

The bad news is that people who screen résumés and cover letters typically go through them very quickly, usually spending just a few seconds on each.

The good news is that they’re actively looking for something great, something to like. Click Here to Read Article …

5 Steps to Help You Bounce Back from Job Rejection

Being rejected for the Perfect Job was painful for Emily. Part of the problem was that once an interview was over, she had a habit of entering an alternate state of being wherein it was impossible for her to keep from imagining how wonderful life would be when she got the phone call and resulting job offer. Job rejection was out of question.

In her mind’s eye, she saw herself at her new desk doing amazing things for the company, all the while winning the admiration and respect of her new colleagues. The awards piled up, and the raises? Those just went without saying. Click Here to Read Article …

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