Displaying All Posts tagged with expert

How to Accelerate Your Career After-Hours

Last February, Joseph Lewis wrote about the 21st Century Career. One of the major points he discussed was the need to continue developing job skills outside of the nine to five job. However, resources are lacking in terms of just how to do this.

In case you missed what a 21st Century Career is, it entails a shift from working decades for the same business or industry, to a more serial style career where you progressively move up every 2-5 years in different companies. Today a career isn’t defined so much by the company you work for, but by the unique set of job skills you acquire from experiences inside and outside of the workforce.

Like Joseph said,

“If your only professional endeavor is to spend 8 hours a day at a desk shuffling papers for someone who is ready to retire, then your career is already in trouble.”

So how do you succeed in a world that is quickly changing the idea of the career?
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How to Become an Expert

Do you know the definition of an expert? An expert is defined as:

“…a person who has special skill or knowledge in some particular field.”

That means that if you gain more skill and knowledge in your workplace in a particular area, it’s possible that people at work could consider you an expert. And that includes your boss. It is this expert status could be what it takes to get you better work assignments, raises and promotions.

It really isn’t that hard to become an expert. Remember — it’s all relative. Here are three steps you can take to become an expert at work.
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WorkAwesome Podcast: Episode 5 – David Allen

WorkAwesome Podcast: Episode 5 – David Allen

On this week’s podcast, WorkAwesome editor Mike Vardy speaks with someone who many consider to be the preeminent productivity expert on the planet: David Allen.

David is the author of Getting Things Done (and creator of the methodology with the same name — or GTD for short) and is the “go to guy” for all things productivity-related. We talk about New Year’s resolutions, the common misconceptions about GTD and even get into the real secret behind the methodology. This is an exclusive interview on the WorkAwesome podcast with the creator of GTD — and shouldn’t be missed.

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