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10 iPhone Apps for Improving Productivity

If you browse through the iPhone App Store, you’ll find thousands of applications in all kinds of categories. That includes a huge number of apps made with the personal productivity of an iPhone user in mind.

Here are 10 such apps to consider using to get things done quickly and effectively on the iPhone — some are free, some are not — and most of these apps should also work on an iPod Touch or iPad. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Practice the 2-Item To-Do List

Are there any other type-A personalities out there who read with disdain blog posts about eliminating the to-do list? Do you roll your eyes like I do when you read things like, “do less and you’ll get more done.” Or, “just choose the one most important thing to focus on for the day and don’t do anything else.”

The little voice inside my head always screams,

“Yeah, right! I don’t know what planet you’re living on, but my planet sure doesn’t function that way.”

But then again, my to-do list is an ever-growing monster. It seems like every time I cross one thing off, two new things get added. Now if that isn’t the epitome of counter-productive, I don’t know what is. Click Here to Read Article …

Rational Plan: A Project Management Software Review

Rational Plan is project management software that focuses on project planning.  There’s a trial version that includes all features of the paid version except it limits the number of tasks to 20.  The many options and features available in the program show that the developers put a lot of thought into what every user would need and want in a project management software but the end result was a cumbersome program that has just too many things going on.  A user can plan every minute detail of every project and task, which is both unnecessary and time-consuming for the average user – the program might possibly be useful to project managers who need to keep track of every nail and screw and who have some time in their hands. Click Here to Read Article …

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Room To Breathe: Tips to Get More Done with Less Stress

I like to swim. The rhythm of the stroke, the silence of the water, the regularity of breathing: they bring peace to an overactive mind that otherwise gets overwhelmed by things to do, while getting little done.

Recently, I expressed a desire to increase my lung capacity underwater. If I could come up less often for air, my stroke would be more efficient, and my lap time would be faster. The technique I was shown was fundamentally simple, but through it I discovered a way to overcome writer’s block. Click Here to Read Article …

How to Find the Work You Love

Finding work we enjoy is vital for our well being. After all most of us spend a fair portion of our week engaged in work. So how do we find work that we love? Here are some practical tips that I have found useful in my own life and when working with coaching clients. Click Here to Read Article …

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“On Second Thought” Takes a Second Look at Our Thinking Process

Regardless of industry, experience or pay-grade, all of our work ultimately consists of a long series of decisions. The thinking process behind them involves either careful, deliberate calculation or the use of instincts, impulses, and “following your gut.” In the workplace, terms like “Jack-of-all-trades,” “wearing many hats” and “thinking on your feet” bring to mind images of multitasking, prioritizing and decisive action. Click Here to Read Article …

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Thinking with your gut is a heuristic approach to decision making that would work best for

Blindwriting: A Freer Approach to Freewriting

Writing is hard when you try to create and criticize at the same time. But while composing that first draft, it’s difficult to resist the urge to edit too early. You reread the previous sentence and notice something – a dangling modifier, a weak verb, a careless typo – then it’s too late. You’re criticizing what you’ve written. And when the inner critic takes over, the writer is blocked.

To help writers escape the inner critic, writing gurus have preached the power of freewriting. The idea is that if you write fast enough, you won’t have time to look back and criticize what you’ve written. Click Here to Read Article …

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Personal Branding Tips from Dan Schawbel: A WorkAwesome Interview

In the constant quest that we undertake to showcase our work in a truly awesome way, personal branding is a topic that becomes more relevant daily.  Who you are online is becoming less distinguishable from who you are in the real world.  One of the best examples of personal brand management is Dan Schawbel, the brilliant mind behind Personal Branding Blog, founder of Millennial Branding, Personal Branding magazine, and the author of Me 2.0: 4 Steps to Building Your Future, a #1 international bestseller published in 4 languages and was rated the #1 career book of 2009 by The New York Post and the #1 Amazon bestseller in Japan.

Oh, and Dan just turned 27. Click Here to Read Article …

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