Displaying All Posts tagged with flow

5 Simple Tools That Unleash Meaningful Work

5 Simple Tools That Unleash Meaningful Work

I recently watched a TED talk by Jason Fried of 37 Signals entitled Why Work Doesn’t Get Done at Work. The message was right on: The office has become a place of endless distraction; so much so that people seek anywhere but there to get their real work done. What happens is the real work ends up getting handled at home, on the weekends, super-early in the morning or days off.

Office distractions are almost an institution in the workplace. They can come in the form of impromptu meetings, Sharon from accounting stopping by your cube to clarify your latest expense report, or a buddy dropping in to kill some time. It’s endless.

The reality is that we cannot get meaningful work done in 15 or 20 minute increments, and office distractions regularly put us in that position. We must allow space for our minds to create the stuff that matters; we can’t command that to happen at a moment’s notice. Sometimes it can take the first hour just for the juices to start flowing, and then the last thing anyone wants to do (especially your boss) is interrupt that flow. Because once it’s gone, no one knows when it will return.

But it happens constantly. These tiny interruptions keep us from doing what matters. Well, I have a few suggestions that can work wonders in reclaiming our best work. In a word it comes down to focus (something deeply covered in 11 Steps to Insane Focus).
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Uncertainty: An Interview with Jonathan Fields

Uncertainty: An Interview with Jonathan Fields

On this special episode of the Work Awesome podcast, Mike Vardy chats with the Career Renegade himself, Jonathan Fields.

Jonathan is a highly-demanded speaker and accomplished author, whose latest book, Uncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt into Fuel for Brilliance, drops this week. This new work discusses the aspects of uncertainty that hinder people, as well as how to overcome uncertainty when it is holding you back. And that just scratches the surface of this incredibly motivating and inspiring book.

During this interview, the topics of uncertainty is explored — a great primer for a book that is sure to awaken many people who aren’t living to their fullest because of being afraid of what lies beyond…and propelling them forward to face uncertainty head-on.
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How To Achieve A State Of Flow

How To Achieve A State Of Flow

Being in a state of flow is something many of us strive to achieve. It’s a key element in becoming more productive. But what is flow?

Flow is the mental state of operation in which a person in an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity.

Whatever we are doing seems easier and more enjoyable if we can achieve a state of flow while doing it. It’s more likely that we will achieve this state if we are doing something we enjoy, however I have found that it is possible to achieve a state of flow with tasks that I don’t usually enjoy — like ironing, for example.

I’m really not a fan of ironing.
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WorkAwesome Podcast: Episode 3

This week’s episode of the WorkAwesome Podcast features an interview with Nathan Hangen and Oleg Mokhov. These two gentlemen who not only have their own ventures that they foster on a daily basis, such as Nathan’s Building Digital Empires site and Oleg’s own site Mokhov.com, but they have forged a partnership with two projects: SoundTrackster (a site that offers “royalty-free music that doesn’t suck”) and BlueRize, which offers electronic music and podcasts that are a serve to energize entrepreneurs.
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