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7 Ways to Kick Start Your Day

The way we start our day can strongly influence how the rest of the day goes. Whether we are concerned in making that first hour of the day the one that sets the tone or use the morning to create a great day throughout, we need to take the early part of the day to set up success for the rest of the day. Here are seven tried and tested ways that I use to kick start my day.
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5 Easy Tips to Help Those Who Think Too Much

5 Easy Tips to Help Those Who Think Too Much

Have you ever been stuck on a problem and the more you thought about it, the harder it seemed to solve? You’re not alone.

Six years ago I was a single mom, working full time as a behavior therapist for families of children with serious behavior problems. As my job became more stressful, I became lost in a dense, dark forest of chaos.

Not wanting to spend my life lost in the woods, I learned a secret: sometimes the answers to your conundrums are below the surface of the conscious working brain and surprisingly the answer is to stop “trying” so hard to fix it. Click Here to Read Article …

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5 Easy Tips to Stop Overthinking

5 Easy Tips to Stop Overthinking

Have you ever been stuck on a problem and the more you thought about it, the harder it seemed to solve? How do you avoid overthinking at such times?

Six years ago I was a single mom, working full time as a behavior therapist for families of children with serious behavior problems.

As my job became more stressful, I became lost in a dense, dark forest of chaos. Not wanting to spend my life lost in the woods, I learned a secret: Sometimes the answers to your conundrums are below the surface of the conscious working brain and surprisingly, the answer is to stop “trying” so hard to fix it. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Start a Meditation Practice to Increase Your Productivity

How to Start a Meditation Practice to Increase Your Productivity

Before I began my meditation practice, if I hit a wall — something that could be brought on by a lack of ideas, information overload, or an over-abundance of technological stimulation — I would take a nap.

It was the only way I could think of to fully rest my mind and start fresh. Often times it worked, but it quickly turned into an unproductive way to check out and it never really got to the root of my stressors like I had hoped it would. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Improve Productivity Despite the Threats

How to Improve Productivity Despite the Threats

As time becomes more and more scarce, learning how to improve productivity and stay on top of your work becomes essential in order to lead a balanced life. As we take on more responsibility at work and in our personal lives, we demand more from ourselves but we don’t seem to link the importance of learning skills that assist us with staying as productive as we need to.

Considering all you have to do and would like to do, how productive are you right now? Do you have the feeling that you can achieve more than you currently do, but you just don’t know how? Sometimes we may feel that we are not being as productive as we can but we are just not sure why.  You may be making the biggest productivity mistakes and you don’t even know it! Click Here to Read Article …

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How To Achieve A State Of Flow

How To Achieve A State Of Flow

Being in a state of flow is something many of us strive to achieve. It’s a key element in becoming more productive. But what is flow?

Flow is the mental state of operation in which a person in an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity.

Whatever we are doing seems easier and more enjoyable if we can achieve a state of flow while doing it. It’s more likely that we will achieve this state if we are doing something we enjoy, however I have found that it is possible to achieve a state of flow with tasks that I don’t usually enjoy — like ironing, for example.

I’m really not a fan of ironing.
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