Displaying All Posts tagged with professionalism

Fire Your Distractions: Be More Productive & Professional Working at Home

Distractions Working At Home

A few years ago, I was planning a trip to Crescent City, California. In my search for lodging, I called several hotels in the area to compare prices and amenities. With exception of the hotel I stayed in, I don’t remember anything about the others I called. Well, except one.

During that particular call, my conversation was frequently disrupted by a screaming baby in the not too distant background. It was obvious to me this was not a chain hotel; it was a small, family-run business with lots of distractions working at home.

I give a ton of kudos to the owners of this hotel. The simple fact that they can run their business from their home is a feat desired by many. I also understand (boy, do I ever), that babies cry at the most inopportune times. Click Here to Read Article …

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8 Things Not to Do in the Office

things not to do in office

Professionalism calls for self-discipline and abstinence from certain things that are counterproductive for your work environment. A professional astutely gauges his or her responsibilities and maintains high level of loyalty and sincerity towards their workplace.

The following list of behavioral patterns will affect your workplace immensely, and therefore, as an office goer, you can ignore them at your own risk. Some of things you’d rather not do in your office are: Click Here to Read Article …

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