Displaying All Posts tagged with social media marketing

10 Reasons Businesses Should Stop Ignoring Social Media

10 Reasons Businesses Should Stop Ignoring Social Media

Technology has changed a lot in the past 20 years and it’s important for business owners to change with it.

However, there is always a need to use caution when deciding whether or not to adopt new technology.

Some things never become as popular as they were supposed to be (e.g. QR codes).

At other times some ideas take off but are then quickly replaced by something better (e.g. fax or pager marketing).

Some business owners still employ this type of caution when making a decision on social media, wondering if all the money they put into social media marketing will become useless in just a few years.

The time has come to abandon any worry that social media is just a flash-in-the-pan phenomenon. There is a lot of data that shows social media is a vital part of the way we communicate and engage with others and learn about new things. Click Here to Read Article …

3 Ways to Market Your Side Business While You Sleep

3 Ways to Market Your Side Business While You Sleep

Now that you have your shiny new side business up and running, you need to market it. In other words, you need to spread the word about what you are doing.

When I started blogging, my main goal was to get the word out about my blog. I had two common problems though: I didn’t have time to market, and I didn’t have any money.

Lucky for you, I am going to share what I learned through hours of research, interviews, and events. What I learned were the secrets to marketing a new business or blog online…all for free! Click Here to Read Article …

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