Displaying All Posts tagged with Career search

How to Get a Job & Beat Unemployment

For the lucky ones, it’s only a matter of days whereas for others, it may take years to figure out how to get a job. Being unemployed is a crushing experience — something nearly everyone experiences at some point in their lives.

People may think they’re doing enough to aid their job search when in fact they could be doing a lot more. There are numerous ways to further your search, potentially shortening the time spent unemployed and increasing your chances of landing a full time job, some of which are explained below. Click Here to Read Article …

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Career Search Insights Your College Never Gave You

At this time of year my mailbox is filled with resumes from college seniors looking for their first real job and begin their career. The sad truth is that all of those resumes go directly into the garbage, for two reasons: This is not an efficient way for me to hire employees, and I believe people who simply send out unsolicited resumes are not really serious about their career.

It’s not that I’m a stickler for proper job-hunting protocol. In fact, over the years I’ve hired four people who simply showed up at my office without an appointment, requesting to tell me how and why they would make a good member of my team. These are the type of prospective employees whose resumes I do read. Click Here to Read Article …