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Taking Control of Your Task List

If you are anything like me you have a task list. Task lists come in many shapes and sizes. You might keep your list in Outlook’s To-Do bar or you might write it in a pocket sized notebook. Your list might be short and sweet. Or it may be a monstrous collection of things to do. Regardless of what your list looks like, it should have one primary purpose for its existence. Your task list is there to help you get things done.
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WorkAwesome Podcast: Episode 4 – Brett Kelly

WorkAwesome Podcast: Episode 4 – Brett Kelly

This week’s podcast features an interview with Brett Kelly of Bridging the Nerd Gap and author of the popular ebook, Evernote Essentials. Brett has been a part of the productivity scene on the web for years now, with a myriad of blogs and projects to his credit. Brett and WorkAwesome editor Mike Vardy discuss the use of Evernote in terms of a productive workflow, what features of Evernote often go under-utilized and what he feels is the best coffee maker there is.

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Paperless Office Software: 5 Tools for a Clutter Free Desk

Do you dream of a clutter free desk at work? Is it really possible? Well, with a little upfront planning, imagination and acceptance that you really don’t need to kill trees anymore. In this post I’ll share 5 types of paperless office software that will help you keep your desk clean — and save a few trees in the process.
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How I Fell in Love with Research

One of the primary elements of ensuring a job is well done is often through the use of research. But a lot of people simply hate research. With the internet busting at the seams with sites that offer information that can be applied to projects, you would think that doing awesome work with the assistance of these resources would be easily achievable.

Yet it really isn’t.

But you can fall in love with research if you know where to look. That, however, requires — you guessed it — research.
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Top 10 Powerpoint Resume Presentations on Slideshare

As the landscape of job hunting changes, so does the way job hunters need to present themselves. While the traditional written resume is going to be a staple for most, there are others who have taken it upon themselves to enhance their resumes through unique design implementation or delivery method.

Bringing your resume to life with a slidedeck is becoming increasingly popular. We’ve highlighted the top 10 PowerPoint resume presentations on Slideshare below to give you an idea of what you can do to elevate your resume — and land that next gig.
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The Netsetter: Interview with Nancy Nally

The Netsetter: Interview with Nancy Nally

It’s time for another edition of the weekly Netsetter column. This week, Thursday Bram interviews Nancy Nally of ScrapbookUpdate.com, where she asks Nancy about what it’s like to work in an area that seems outside of the realm of “tech” and how she gets work done.
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5 Keys to Good Customer Service

It was a Saturday morning full of promise. Seductive even. I woke up with creative projects I was geeked to get into, and my muse was more active than usual. On my today’s “to-do” list, were a few new freelance writing leads, an online blogging class, and my general weekend recreational reading.

I turned on my computer first to catch up on my email. Nothing pressing on that end, so I clicked on to a site to do some exploring.  Then all of a sudden, out of nowhere it happened.

I got this big red neon sign that popped on my screen alerting me to a virus attack.
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Secret Santa 101: 5 Great Rules to Gift By

Well, December is here.

As the year comes closer to an end, the current atmosphere around the workplace falls somewhere between ultra-stressed for some and collective relief for others. It’s more likely that if you’re reading this post you’re feeling more of a sense of accomplishment, mixed with optimism for what’s to come — and perhaps a little dash of regret as well. To that end, the holiday season has begun, and if your office is like so many others you’re holding a piece of paper with someone’s name on it that reminds you as much.

That’s because you’re their Secret Santa.
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