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Advertiser Accolades

A site like this isn’t just fuelled by readers like yourselves — it’s also due to the support we have from our awesome advertisers. We take the time to show our readers appreciation through regular Follow Friday shout-outs on Twitter and the like, so we’re going to take the time here to show our gratitude to our advertisers… Click Here to Read Article …

Effective Sales Presentations for Closers

The Closer is a television show about a police detective who has an uncanny ability to close cases. The secret to her success is how she leads suspects into confessing in the interrogation room.

You can have the same success. Not at closing police cases but at closing deals. Instead of interrogating murder suspects, you’re going to give killer sales presentations. Luckily you don’t need a gun, just some basic sales presentation techniques. Click Here to Read Article …

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The Netsetter: Interview with Glen Stansberry of LiveDev

The Netsetter: Interview with Glen Stansberry of LiveDev

Thursday Bram: Hi, this is Thursday Bram from WorkAwesome and I’m here with Glen Stansberry.  Glen, can you tell us a little bit about what you do and who you are?

Glen Stansberry: Hey, Thursday.  First off, thanks for having me.  This is pretty cool.  So I am a Web developer/writer – well, that’s good for now, web developer and writer.  I live in Lawrence, Kansas and I currently work for a company full time called Media for Media, which develops websites for news organizations and things like that.  I’m a designer there. Click Here to Read Article …

What is Personal Productivity?

If you asked several people what personal productivity meant to them you would probably receive a different definition of the term from each individual. Some might say personal productivity is getting more stuff finished in a timely manner. Some would tell you that personal productivity is setting goals and accomplishing those goals. Others might even tell you that the term meant nothing to them at all. Click Here to Read Article …

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5 Tips to Better Serve Your Internal Customer

If you are in a support role at your job, one of your main responsibilities is interacting with customers. In the Information Technology world, your customers tend to be internal customers or your coworkers. This may make the job easier or more difficult, depending on your perspective. It’s important that you approach your role as effectively as possible. Hopefully the following tips will yield positive results for you as well as your internal customer. Click Here to Read Article …

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Verify from ZURB Helps Test Out Design Ideas

ZURB is one of the workplaces that we recently featured at WorkAwesome, and one of the things that they are known for is their slew of applications designed to help people become more awesome at what they do.  Today ZURB has launched a new service named Verify, which allows basically anyone putting together a web product or site – the ability to get user feedback on what they put out on the web. Click Here to Read Article …

8 Ways to Get Motivated When You Have a Bad Boss

It seems in the wonderful world of work there’s always a trade-off. You love the location, but the commute sucks. The pay is great, but the hours are gruelling. In a perfect world you could choose your “options” like amenities that come with a new car or a newly constructed home.

Yet just because you work in less than ideal conditions, that doesn’t mean that you can’t make the most of your work day and survive the insanity. Particularly, a supervisor who works your nerves and wreaks havoc with your peace of mind. Click Here to Read Article …

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5 Beliefs That Hinder Your Organizational Skills

For years I struggled with my work and office organizational skills. I stumbled over core beliefs that constantly stood between my organizational goals and reality. I was overloaded by a cluttered desk, an overflowing inbox, and the relentless ringing of my telephone. How was I supposed to become an organized individual? Click Here to Read Article …

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