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The Netsetter: SEO Writing Tip #3: Rock Your On-Page SEO

In the first installment in this series on SEO writing, we talked two things: why you need to be conscious of the keywords implicit in the topic of your article, and why you need to target that topic’s main keyword in your title tag. In the second installment, we talked about the meta description tag (not what most people refer to as the “meta tag”, which usually describes the tag for meta keywords). This time around, we’ll go over some on-page SEO factors that are too minor to discuss individually, but are collectively important to implement. We’ll also go over their relationship to off-page factors. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Get Motivated in the Morning

Do you find hard to motivate yourself at the start of your day? Ever want to start the day awesomely productive, but starting that first task seems daunting…so you procrastinate? Of course – we all have that problem at one point or another.

Well, you’re in luck, because you can start your day encouraged and motivated.

And the good news is it doesn’t involve any sort of wishy-washy new-age pap. It amounts to a pure practical principle preached positively (say that three times fast). Click Here to Read Article …

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Does Multitasking Really Work?

Picture it: It’s Tuesday morning. You’re at your desk reading and replying to emails, participating in a conference call and looking over the report you need for that afternoon’s department meeting. While you’re focused on those tasks, your boss stops by and says he needs a summary of the new product your company is rolling out at next week’s press conference. Oh, and can you have it to him in an hour? And have you decided on the art for the product’s logo — which has been sitting on your desk since Friday because you haven’t had a chance to look over it?

Sound familiar? Click Here to Read Article …

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Why You Should Think Twice Before Sending Angry Email

As a writer and editor I’ve been bred to have a tough skin. Some of my best constructive criticism came from thoughtful professors and kind editors when I was attending NYU for grad school. If it wasn’t for my editor at Inc., I never would have learned to write a lead for my articles. His graciousness and tact throughout my 9 months with the company never went unappreciated. Click Here to Read Article …

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Lumosity Brain Trainer Developer Joe Hardy on Brain Games

“Work smarter, not harder” is a common aphorism used by those in constant pursuit of productivity. Generally, it cautions you to avoid hyper-focusing on the work itself, and to make conscious choices about exactly how you are working.

Of course, focusing on both your work and your approach can be a difficult game of mental juggling. Often, you have to simply “be smarter” if you want to “work smarter”. Becoming smarter is not quick and easy, but it’s not impossible either. In fact, a lot of new studies are suggesting that you’re not stuck with the brain that you were born with, and that you can develop your brain much like you’d develop your muscles; with increasingly harder workouts. Click Here to Read Article …

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The Netsetter: SEO Writing Tip #2: Optimize Your Meta Description Tag

[Update: A couple of commenters challenged me on the meta description tag as a Google ranking factor, particularly Josh, whose link pointed me to a meta description test. The test is persuasive, so while most what follows on optimization is still valid, it’s mainly for clickthrough rate, not indexing and ranking.]

I’m always amazed by how little attention even SEO-conscious writers will give their post’s meta description tag. The meta description is probably the most important on-page SEO factor you control after the title tag. Let’s look at this element in detail, and how you can use it to not only increase your article’s ranking in Google, but also its clickthrough rate. Click Here to Read Article …

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Balancing Work Priorities as an Entrepreneur

We sometimes view entrepreneurs as those born with creative genius or great business acumen, that are able to somehow magically transform their business idea into a successful and profitable venture.

However, as evidenced in a report, “Makings of a Successful Entrepreneur,” published by the Kauffman Foundation (November 2009), one factor that ranked as an extremely big challenge for successful entrepreneurs was the stress of running a business and maintaining a balance in life.

In addition, 93% of respondents interviewed in the report identified the amount of time and effort required as a significant barrier to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Use LinkedIn to Find a New Job

So you’re looking for a new job? Good for you.

Before you make an appointment with a headhunter or waste too much time searching online job boards, check out LinkedIn. Really. It’s more than just another social network. It’s a powerful job-search tool. They have a pretty good section on how to find a job with LinkedIn. Here are a few features that will help you: Click Here to Read Article …

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