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Making Ideas Happen with Scott Belsky: Book Review and Interview

Creativity is a commendable quality. Good ideas are very valuable, and a person with repeated sparks of genius is priceless. But, even the most creative ideas amount to nothing if they’re not organized, established and executed. That’s where Scott Belsky, author of Making Ideas Happen can empower you with the follow-through needed to bring your intangible ideas into reality. Click Here to Read Article …

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Data Backup and Sync Strategies #2: Top Backup and Sync Tools

In my first article in this series, I discussed the importance of data backup and sync, and what data you should consider backing up. It ranged from files to browser preferences, credit cards to business data, and emails to your tweets.

So, now that you know the things you need to address, let’s check out some  backup and sync tools that’ll get the job done. Data backup is an industry in itself and there is no dearth of software to get it done. But we don’t need to worry about all of them. I’ve chosen certain tools which should be more than enough for the average computer user or a small business owner.

The tools are categorized into different sections depending upon what they are used for primarily. Click Here to Read Article …

Why I Stick to Pen and Paper for Goals and Tasks

Technology is great…but I sure do like pen and paper – as I mentioned to one of our readers who asked me what I use to keep track of things.  For one thing, I remember things better when I write them down by hand; it’s as if my hand keeps memories of each of its motions and my mind is better able to recall these motions later as the words sink deeper in my brain.  I must think of each item I write down before setting my pen to paper and so I make better decisions using this increasingly old-fashioned way.  On a computer screen everything can be erased, so my brain doesn’t retain the words the same way – it’s all temporary and it all sits in shallower spots in my mind. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Beat Procrastination Permanently

It’s no surprise that we’ve touched on beating procrastination several times at WorkAwesome – it is productivity’s sworn enemy. On our path to progress, we’re constantly kicking procrastination to the curb, and often it just reappears a few steps farther along the road. Some of us fare better than others in the never-ending contest between procrastination and production, but few of us have taken the time to fully understand what procrastination is, where it comes from, and how to fight it effectively. In fact, most of us only know two things about procrastination; a basic, tip-of-the-iceberg definition, and not to do it. Click Here to Read Article …

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Memo:Random #40

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The Digital Nomad’s Guide to Using Paper Stationery

I’m a digital nomad. I love using computers. I worked as online editor for newspapers. I am so online that my filing cabinets are practically empty.

So going paperless should be a no brainer. Although I don’t hug trees, I don’t mind saving a few. But after looking through my messenger bag, I realize that it’s harder to do when you work out of the home office. If I stay sequestered at home every day without meeting anyone, I can go paperless fairly easily. Once I step out, things get trickier than they do at home, and at least some paper stationery becomes necessary. Click Here to Read Article …

Internet Etiquette for Vacationers

My boyfriend Shane and I recently went on vacation with my parents. It was a laid-back camping trip in Quebec, Canada.  We were 20 minutes outside of Quebec City, rife with campfires and Scrabble matches.

Incidentally, Shane doesn’t go anywhere without his MacBook and iPhone, and a family vacation was no exception to the rule–no matter what my parents thought. Click Here to Read Article …

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7 Reasons to Switch to the Dvorak Keyboard Layout

“Something’s wrong with your keyboard,” a friend borrowing my laptop would say. “When I type, all that comes out is gibberish!”

“Nothing’s wrong with my keyboard,” I would reply with a grin. “It’s the layout on your keyboard that’s wrong!”
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