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Goal Setting Success – Charlie Brown Method

If you’ve been into personal development for longer than 5 minutes, you’ve been sold on the benefits of goal setting.

You may or may not have been told about the studies done in the 1950s where they tracked the graduating class of Harvard and 25 years later they found out that the 3% of people who had written a goal were richer than all of the rest 97% who didn’t – COMBINED. [Editor’s Note: A similar 1950s’ Yale study was proliferated and then debunked by The Fast Company in 1996. Read full article here.]

So you try goal settingClick Here to Read Article …

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Podcast 20 — Staying Focused with Eddie Smith

The Work Awesome podcast welcomes Eddie Smith, the man behind the popular productivity site Practically Efficient. He describes himself as “an actuary, a thinker, an efficiency experimenter and a blogger—all in one.” Eddie’s work has attracted the attention (and praise) of many popular internet writers, including those who contribute to the Read & Trust network and Merlin Mann.

Eddie and Work Awesome podcast prodigy Mike Vardy discussed a wide variety of productivity-related topics during this interview, well before Eddie had added the newest addition to his workflow: his child. We may shoot for a follow-up interview in a few months to see how he’s adapted. . .
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Giveaway: Win 250 High Quality Business Cards

Giveaway: Win 250 High Quality Business Cards

Hey you, WorkAwesome + UPrinting is throwing a cool giveaway — 3 people will get to win 250 awesome die-cut business cards ($70 value).

Do you want to get creative with your business? Then give these unique business cards a try. For free!
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Workaholic Anonymous – 5 Steps to Stop

Spotting an alcoholic or drug addict is so easy, but have you realized that you could be sitting right next to a workaholic and not notice him or her at all?

Sometimes, we don’t have to look far to discover that we ourselves are addicted to work—somehow the addiction snuck in while we were busy working.

Some people are surprised to hear that work could indeed be addicting. “Oh, there’s nothing like working too much,” or “Me? I am just working hard! Isn’t it the right thing?” Click Here to Read Article …

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Perception – Key to Inner Peace

I’ve come to believe our perception at work and life in general carries a great deal of importance.

Many years ago while striving to climb the “corporate ladder to success”, my boss asked me to meet with him privately, in a very serious, foreboding tone of voice.

I immediately scoured my mind for reasons, or any of my actions that may have prompted this out of the ordinary request, fearing something terrible had occurred unknowingly to me, and walked into his office with more than a heightened sense of apprehension. Click Here to Read Article …

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How to Practice Perseverance

Success is a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don’t quit when you’re tired. You quit when the gorilla is tired.” ~Robert Strauss

We love stories about people who never quit. From the movies like Rocky and The Pursuit of Happyness to The Little Engine that Could, we are inspired by stories of perseverance.  But what if it were possible to become like one of these persistent people (or trains)?  The truth is it is possible for each and every one of us to build a persistent mindset. Click Here to Read Article …

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Podcast 19 – From Writer to Entrepreneur: Jen Bilik

This week’s guest on the Work Awesome podcast is Jen Bilik, the founder, CEO and “head honcho” of Knock Knock. Knock Knock makes fun (yet practical) productivity tools, so if you’re new to the world of productivity tools or simply want to make getting stuff done more entertaining, then give Knock Knock a try. I’ve got a few of the file folders they make, and they’ve raised both eyebrows and laughter when they’ve caught attention from my colleagues.

Jen was gracious enough to give me plenty of time to discuss how Knock Knock works, along with her own work habits. The podcast is one of our longer ones, but it really gives you an inside look as to how an idea that may seem off-the-cuff goes from concept to finished product. I think you’ll be as surprised as I was.
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Career Search Insights Your College Never Gave You

At this time of year my mailbox is filled with resumes from college seniors looking for their first real job and begin their career. The sad truth is that all of those resumes go directly into the garbage, for two reasons: This is not an efficient way for me to hire employees, and I believe people who simply send out unsolicited resumes are not really serious about their career.

It’s not that I’m a stickler for proper job-hunting protocol. In fact, over the years I’ve hired four people who simply showed up at my office without an appointment, requesting to tell me how and why they would make a good member of my team. These are the type of prospective employees whose resumes I do read. Click Here to Read Article …