Displaying All Posts tagged with Genworth

What You Must Know Before You Invest in Life Insurance

Editor’s Note: Information contributed by Genworth Financial.

My husband and I have just had our first child. All of a sudden we find ourselves catapulted into the unknown, from the micro to the macro. Everything is new to us from the diapers, to the (lack of) sleep schedule, to the re-budgeting of our expenses.

We find ourselves thinking about finances a lot more than we used to. And it has occurred to me that one of the benefits of being together for a long time is that our finances have had time to knit themselves together. Sometimes, I rhetorically think to myself that falling in love might be easier than deciding on things like joint bank accounts – although that is debatable. Click Here to Read Article …

LTC Plans — Benefits for Employers and Employees

LTC Plans — Benefits for Employers and Employees

Editor’s Note: Information contributed by Genworth Financial.

Did you know that at least 70% of people over age 65 will require some long-term care and 40% of people under age 65 already require long-term care? LTC costs are increasing beyond the rate of inflation – at a rate of about 4.35% yearly growth. That equates to over $17K annual increase in costs.

Now, more than ever, it’s vital to consider the implications of planning for the future. Click Here to Read Article …