Displaying All Posts tagged with manager

5 Tips for a Multicultural Work Environment

5 Tips for a Multicultural Work Environment

As a manager, you need to keep your employees motivated and cooperative consistently. If you’ve spent time in a workforce consisting of people coming from vastly different cultures and backgrounds, then you’ve probably also experienced confusion about how to accomplish those aims despite having little insight into what makes these people tick. How can you understand someone with whom you share no common background in a multicultural work environment?

More importantly, how can you smooth over those differences, take advantage of the benefits of diversity, and make sure that the members of your multicultural workforce feel like they are valuable contributors to your organization’s overall success? Click Here to Read Article …

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Prove Yourself! 5 Ways to Map Your Routine & Show Results

Prove Yourself! 5 Ways to Map Your Routine & Show Results

These days, it can be difficult to stand out from others in the workplace, whether you’re a newbie to the team or a seasoned veteran. Therefore, proving that you’re a viable and essential employee is an important task because you don’t want to be known as that employee, i.e. disposable. But how do you prove yourself?

Although we don’t all have the time to create a “work map,” it’s important to note where you want to go, how you plan on getting there, and what the outcome was, whether the objective was big or small. Click Here to Read Article …

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Individual Contributor vs Manager: What’s Your Preference?

In roughly 30 years of full-time employment, I have been both a manager and an individual contributor.  Through the years of experience I’ve developed my own preference, of course. While I’ve come to my own conclusion on the matter, some of you are just beginning to explore both options as possibilities. Let’s talk a little bit about what is attractive – and what is not – about both types of jobs. Click Here to Read Article …

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