Displaying All Posts tagged with music playlist

What’s on Your Music Playlist – Specific Situations Edition

What’s on Your Music Playlist – Specific Situations Edition

Loud heavy metal used to make me get all my work done in high school and today I’ve no idea how I was able to think that way.  My brother calls me an “old geezer” since opera and folk are more of what help me focus and get work done —  though when writing I generally prefer silence.  Sometimes a few songs are sure to make me focus (or simply relax) so that I can focus, though songs with lyrics can be distracting as I always seem to pay attention to the lyrics.  In that case, electronica is the way to go. Click Here to Read Article …

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What’s on Your Music Playlist – Freelance Edition

What’s on Your Music Playlist – Freelance Edition

Call me odd, but I find that I struggle with two things that most people find easy.  One is picking a topic for a blog post and the other is choosing music to help keep me dancing in my seat. So when I saw Susan’s music playlist, I figured I could share mine. Once I’ve got a topic and some good tunes blasting, time has a way of sinking into the words on the page.  Next thing I know, it’s time for dinner. Click Here to Read Article …

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My Music Playlist at Work — What’s on Yours?

My boyfriend swears by techno when he’s racing to meet a deadline. I crank the show tunes when I need to lose myself in my work. Clearly, everyone has different preferences for listening to music at work.

Fortunately for me, I work from home, so I don’t have to worry about disturbing cubicle mates by singing along to the cast of Glee. Depending on your work environment, you might have to take turns choosing music with several coworkers or discretely plug in headphones when you need a music break. Click Here to Read Article …

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