Displaying All Posts tagged with online music playlist

What’s on Your Music Playlist – Specific Situations Edition

What’s on Your Music Playlist – Specific Situations Edition

Loud heavy metal used to make me get all my work done in high school and today I’ve no idea how I was able to think that way.  My brother calls me an “old geezer” since opera and folk are more of what help me focus and get work done —  though when writing I generally prefer silence.  Sometimes a few songs are sure to make me focus (or simply relax) so that I can focus, though songs with lyrics can be distracting as I always seem to pay attention to the lyrics.  In that case, electronica is the way to go. Click Here to Read Article …

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What’s on Your Music Playlist – Freelance Edition

What’s on Your Music Playlist – Freelance Edition

Call me odd, but I find that I struggle with two things that most people find easy.  One is picking a topic for a blog post and the other is choosing music to help keep me dancing in my seat. So when I saw Susan’s music playlist, I figured I could share mine. Once I’ve got a topic and some good tunes blasting, time has a way of sinking into the words on the page.  Next thing I know, it’s time for dinner. Click Here to Read Article …

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