Displaying All Posts tagged with personal development

How to Incorporate Personal Growth into the Workplace

How to Incorporate Personal Growth into the Workplace

Most people are not overjoyed at the prospect of working in a traditional office setting. In addition to the everyday drudgery that they’ve learned to associate with this lifestyle, they also think about a loss of self.

You’re just another number, another desk filler that keeps the wheels turning while putting any hope of personal growth and satisfaction on the back burner. Right?

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Sometimes placing ourselves smack dab in the middle of what we see as a less than ideal situation offers the greatest chance for growth – personally and professionally. Click Here to Read Article …

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Have You Hired a Business Coach?

Though I’ve been freelancing full-time for two years, and I’m happy with where I am in my business, I’m a big fan of personal development. I read books, follow blogs, take classes, and attend conferences in my field. After all, everyone has areas where they could improve. Recently, I had the idea that I should hire a business coach to help me rethink some of the strategies I use and help my business climb to the next level.

A colleague suggested several business coaching candidates, so I contacted a smaller subset of that group and discussed my needs over the phone. The first coach seemed friendly, yet professional, and we clicked almost immediately. As our conversation concluded, she agreed to send me a proposal of what our coaching relationship would look like.

The second coach seemed equally friendly and professional, but after we chatted for awhile, she did something that few self-employed professionals do: discouraged me from becoming a client. “It sounds like you have solid strategies in place, and the few issues you’ve had were unusual circumstances,” she said. “I hate to turn away business, but I’m just not sure you need this right now.” I told her appreciated her honesty and that I’d get in touch if I really did need her in the future. When the first coach got back to me with her proposal, I responded similarly. I’d also been thinking about hiring a personal assistant and that seemed like a better use of resources anyway.

Though I didn’t end up using a business coach, there are others who went the other way.

Have you hired a business coach or a life coach? What did you look for? How did they help you? Click Here to Read Article …