Displaying All Posts tagged with small businesses

Who’s the Best Democratic Candidate for Entrepreneurs? (Part 2)

Who’s the Best Democratic Candidate for Entrepreneurs? (Part 2)

In Part One, I took a look at the economic policies of Democratic candidates Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley.

I broke their ideas into the categories of wages, banking policies and taxes.

I also noted other policies relevant to entrepreneurs, small businesses and related freelance types.

Now, on to the third and final candidate, one Hillary Rodham Clinton. Click Here to Read Article …

Who’s the Best Democratic Candidate for Entrepreneurs? (Part 1)

Who’s the Best Democratic Candidate for Entrepreneurs? (Part 1)

The field of candidates for the Democratic nomination for president in 2016 is small and manageable — populated by folks with platforms aimed to help the little guy.

If you’re a one-person work machine or the owner of a small business, do Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley or Hillary Clinton have anything up their sleeves to help you out?

For the sake of this overview, I’m invoking the principle that what’s good for the economy is good for small businesses.

That is, restaurateurs, potters and freelance accountants all need their neighbors to have some income. And if these entrepreneurs’ suppliers and distributors aren’t feeling a pinch, they’ll probably get kind rates, which mean a better chance of survival.

So everything affecting the economy affects entrepreneurs. The economic factors I’ll look at include wages, banking policies (which apply to anyone looking for a loan) and of course, taxes. Click Here to Read Article …

11 Tips for New Startups and Small Businesses

11 Tips for New Startups and Small Businesses

Starting your own business has a lot more to it than settling down in a coffee shop with a MacBook and waiting for the money to roll in. It’s backbreaking work and an emotional rollercoaster, but at the end it’s worth it.

We’re here to make sure you get off to a good start, and take your first steps in the right direction. Let’s see how to effectively start a startup: Click Here to Read Article …

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Fire Your Distractions: Be More Productive & Professional Working at Home

Fire Your Distractions: Be More Productive & Professional Working at Home

A few years ago, I was planning a trip to Crescent City, California. In my search for lodging, I called several hotels in the area to compare prices and amenities. With exception of the hotel I stayed in, I don’t remember anything about the others I called. Well, except one.

During that particular call, my conversation was frequently disrupted by a screaming baby in the not too distant background. It was obvious to me this was not a chain hotel; it was a small, family-run business with lots of distractions working at home.

I give a ton of kudos to the owners of this hotel. The simple fact that they can run their business from their home is a feat desired by many. I also understand (boy, do I ever), that babies cry at the most inopportune times. Click Here to Read Article …

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